Goletta Verde Sets Sail to Termoli: A Steadfast Journey for Marine Conservation and Biodiversity

by time news

TERMOLI. The journey of Legambiente’s Goletta Verde, the historic sailing ship that navigates the Italian seas in defense of waters and coasts, continues. Among the main themes of the tenth stop in Termoli will be, as always,

the protection of the sea and biodiversity, purification and environmental education.

The Goletta will be docked at the Marina di San Pietro, Molo Sud, Via del Porto.

The activities will begin on Tuesday July 30 at 10:00 AM with the Educational Workshops “Discovering the Sea”

on board Goletta Verde, continuing in the afternoon at 4:00 PM at the Adriatico Hall of the University of Molise in Termoli with the public assembly

titled From Termoli to Val di Sangro, the future of automotive is now.

On July 31 at 10:00 AM there will be a press conference presenting the data

from the Goletta Verde monitoring along the coasts of Molise, at the Ristorante Sottovento.

“The arrival of the Goletta this year coincides with the missed launch of the Gigafactory, a situation that creates concern throughout the Molise territory –

Andrea De Marco, President of Legambiente Molise. We want to emphasize the importance of safeguarding this project, both for the jobs it will create and for the environmental benefits that electric mobility will bring.”

Now in its 38th edition, Goletta Verde has ANEV, CONOU, Novamont, and Renexia as its main partners, along with media partnership from La Nuova Ecologia.


Tuesday, July 30, Termoli

10:00 AM and 11:00 AM | on board Goletta Verde docked at Marina di San Pietro, Molo Sud, Via del Porto

Educational Workshops “Discovering the Sea”

This year, Goletta Verde hosts environmental education workshops for boys and girls, children and toddlers. Come aboard for a journey to discover our sea, the species that inhabit it and the risks to biodiversity. Thanks to the projects

Life Delfi and Life Elife, we will listen to dialogues between dolphins and understand why we shouldn’t be afraid of sharks. Thanks to the Life Turtlenest project, we will discover nests and eggs of sea turtles and learn how we can help their young reach the sea

safely. And the Life SeaNet project will help us understand the extraordinary richness of marine ecosystems and what concrete actions we can take to care for our territories. The workshops are free and open to everyone!

4:00 PM | at Adriatico Hall – University of Molise, Via Duca degli Abruzzi 67, Termoli

Public assembly to discuss electric mobility and employment developments.

From Termoli to Val di Sangro, the future of the automotive industry is now.


Paolo Socio, General Secretary CGIL Molise

Andrea De Marco, President Legambiente Molise

Silvia Tauro, President Legambiente Abruzzo

Nico Balice, Mayor of Termoli


Maria Cipollina, Lecturer dip.to Economics University of Molise

Giovanni Fabbrocino, Lecturer dip.to Biosciences and Territory University of Molise

Andrea Di Lucente, Environment Councillor Region of Molise

Vincenzo Longobardi, President Confindustria Molise

Franco Spina, General Secretary CGIL Chieti

Tiziana Magnacca, Councillor for Economic Development Abruzzo Region

Concluding remarks

Pino Gesmundo, National Secretariat CGIL

Giorgio Zampetti, General Director Legambiente

Moderated by

Domenico Lusi, Journalist TGR Molise

Wednesday, July 31

10:00 AM | at Ristorante Sottovento, Porto Turistico – Marina di San Pietro, Via del porto molo sud

Press conference presenting the monitoring data of Goletta Verde along the Molise coast.


Andrea De Marco, President Legambiente Molise

Alice De Marco, Spokesperson for Goletta Verde

Fiorenza Del Borrello, Environment Councillor of the Municipality of Montenero

Marco Paolilli Treonze, Head of Coordination of Area 3.

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