good atmosphere in Kinshasa, security mistrust in Beni – acpcongo

by time news

2023-04-22 02:41:38

Kinshasa, April 22nd2023 (CPA).- The Muslim feast of Eid El Fit (End of Ramadan) took place on Friday in a calm atmosphere in Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), while in Beni, in Ituri, it took place under the mistrust of the security forces, CPA noted.

« We call on all faithful Muslims to continue to observe the prayer and sharing, in the name of Allah the Merciful, » said Imam Ali Famba, head of the Usoke mosque near the central market: « Let us not be Muslims of the month of Ramadan but true Muslims for all life, Insha’Allah« .

Kinshasa: Muslims called to observe prayer and sharing

The Muslim community of Kinshasa, in particular, and of DRC, in general, was called to observe prayer and sharing, during various services organised in various sites and mosques of the city.

“This end of Ramadan marks the victory for all Muslims who have fasted for 29 days and all unanimously ask Allah for forgiveness and acceptance of the fast, » said Rhamadhane Mubikayi member of the structure « Muslim intellectuals ».

Imams in Beni

The month of Ramadan is a month during which all Muslims in the world observe fasting from dawn (5am) until sunset (6pm) for those in Kinshasa.

Stigmatisation of Muslims in Beni

In the town of Beni, in Nord Kivu, Muslims did not deviate from the rule. But here, non-Muslims often tend to associate them with the ADF terrorists, affiliated to the Islamic State (EI), who sometimes claim responsibility for certain attacks that have plunged the town of Beni into mourning since 2014. Put in the dock, the Muslims reject these accusations.

Muslim faithful in Beni

« Today is the great day of Eid el-Fitr for having successfully completed the fasting of the month of Ramadan. Given the security provided by the authorities of the country, it has strengthened our faith that such a celebration ends in calm, without fear because our government since the granting of the ordinance law in 1972, the Muslim church has no link with the enemies of the country, « said the head of worship of the Islamic community of Beni, Sheik Sadi Ngonda.

« Eid means asking forgiveness so that you are holy before God, because people who kill the population cover themselves like us, that’s why we tend to stick it to ourselves. A Muslim cannot kill people. The Muslims have love and the spirit of help« , said Sadi Miriam, a faithful Muslim from the main city of Ituri province.

End of Ramadan in Beni

After the prayer, Muslims gathered in families across the town to share a meal. Even non-Muslims joined Muslim families to celebrate the end of Ramadan together, proof of a peaceful cohabitation.

Sud Kivu: Bukavu celebrates Eid-el-Fitr under the sign of peace

In Bukavu, in the Sud Kivu province, the end of the month of Ramadan was celebrated, on Friday in Bukavu, under the sign of peace and unity.

« Peace and unity must characterize us, we Muslims to serve as an example to the world and prove once again that Islam is a religion of peace, » said Iman Yahya Kasongo, to the Muslim faithful gathered at the Concorde stadium in Kadutu.

The end of Ramadan in Bukavu

« We are called to follow the recommendations of the Prophet Mohamed, peace and blessing of Allah upon him, who asks us to fight all anti-values likely to create divisions, » he added.

The acting head of the Islamic community in Sud Kivu, Iman Saleh Radjabu said he was satisfied with the progress of the Eid-el-Fitr holiday throughout the province, before recommending to the Muslim faithful to continue sharing and showing love to non-Muslims.

I have Rajaba

The Imam took the opportunity to ask the Head of State to also act in favour of the Muslim community of DRC, by granting a holiday, either on the day of Eid-el-fitr or Eid-el-Kebir.

« We are convinced that with the wisdom of the Head of State, we will have a holiday one of these days to celebrate like our Muslim brothers in the sub-region and around the world, » he said.

Kindu: contributions expected for the rehabilitation of the central mosque

The Muslims of Kindu

In Kindu, Maniema, the Iman in charge of the central mosque, Sheikh Idi Omari, urged Muslims to « contribute to the acquisition of more than five hundred (500) bags of cement for the rehabilitation of this house of prayer, » in his preaching sanctioning the end of the month of Ramadan.

On the division that currently characterizes the Muslim faithful in Maniema, in particular, following the leadership conflict at the top of this Islamic community, he urged Muslims « to stick together as one man, to live in cohesion and love and unity as required by the Prophet Mohamed”.

Equateur: Muslims called to prioritise community unity

In Mbandaka, Equateur province, Muslims were called to prioritise the unity of the entire Islamic community by Imam Dauda Bokungu.

« It is high time to save COMICO, by uniting as one, and having the spirit of forgiveness, » insisted the Iman at the end of Ramadan, on the communal ground of Wangata.

« My brothers and sisters, this festival is for true Muslims, who have had to fast properly for 29 days, doing good in the community, because it is one of the ways that can lead you to the creator, Allah, » said Imam Ousmane Mbongo.

In Equateur, as everywhere else in the country, the Islamic Community in Congo is fighting for the head of the latter, even destabilising the proper functioning of the Islamic schools.

Goma: Donation of food in IDP camps

View of the Muslim faithful of Goma in prayer

In Goma, in Nord Kivu, the Muslim faithful of Goma celebrated the Eid el-Fitr holiday, on Friday, under the sign of unity through a prayer which took place at the Unity stadium, thus closing the month of Ramadan, CPA noted.

« The day of Friday April 21st2023 is one of great grace for Muslims of Goma, in particular, and for those of the whole world. Fasting allows the Muslim to live in understanding, unity and piety with his community but also with Christians, » said the deputy head of the Islamic entity in Nord Kivu, HADJJ TWAHA Mizaba.

He thanked, on this occasion, « all the Muslim and non-Muslim benefactors who, by their donations of food in all the mosques of the IDP camps, have given, in a small way, a smile to all the displaced Muslims”.

This month of youth, which began on March 22ndsaw the participation of more than 20,000 Muslims from the city of Goma and its surroundings.

The government wishes a happy holiday to the Muslim community

On the occasion of the Eid El Fit feast after 29 days of deprivation and worship, the Congolese government, through the Ministry in charge of Communication and Media, wished a happy feast to the Congolese Muslim community.

« Dear Muslim compatriots, on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, the Ministry in charge of Communication and Media of DRC wishes you a happy holiday! May this day be an opportunity to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood and solidarity between all Congolese. Eid Mubarak, » reads the ministry’s Twitter account.

The end of the month of Ramadan festival will continue for three days until Sunday, with the first day of Eid el-Fitr being celebrated on Friday April 21st. CPA/

#good #atmosphere #Kinshasa #security #mistrust #Beni #acpcongo

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