Good communication is what counts now

by time news

You often ask yourself how that should go together with the high standard of living in Europe and climate protection. At the same time, reduce emissions to a neutral level and do not forego anything. In fact, it will probably not work that way. A lot will change in the way we live, even if nobody wants to talk about it yet.

But of course there are also great possibilities for control by the state, which normally remain hidden from us citizens. This is mainly because things are so complicated. Who knows about levies and contracts for differences, decarbonisation certificates and state aid law?

At his first press conference on Tuesday, Robert Habeck gave a brief look at what options such a climate protection minister, who is also economics minister, has to control. He had a whole package of control instruments with which to triple the reduction in emissions. In summary, one can say that there are opportunities to make a difference if you want to. Habeck wants and that could be seen as the most important change with the new government.

Country bosses who have so far made a name for themselves as preventers of climate projects, such as Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), should have understood the announcement. You will now have to deal with regulations and laws that make it difficult for them to prevent them.

Climate protection projects, and these are mostly about wind turbines, are also met with resistance from citizens who live in the immediate vicinity. Communication will be very important here. Projects must be explained in detail on site and also put up for debate. So that citizens can raise their concerns and use good arguments to exert an influence. Robert Habeck has promised such an approach. That is good and important. Especially if the efforts are to be multiplied now. Habeck has to keep this promise. He will also have to be measured against this.


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