Good news: The ultra-Orthodox groom has returned to full function

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Good news: The ultra-Orthodox groom Itai Haim (beloved son) Hamani, who was seriously injured about three months ago after falling from a height during his wedding – has regained full consciousness and function.

Kikar Hashabat has learned that the groom, who was hospitalized in critical condition at Tel Hashomer Hospital and recently woke up and will even communicate with his family and doctors, last weekend got to his feet and walked the corridors of the hospital while fully conscious.

“It’s a miracle from heaven,” the bride said excitedly, “I’m really shocked that he started walking on his feet, it’s above nature and against all odds. He will have to undergo another series of rehabilitation treatments. Thank you to the people of Israel who prayed for my husband.” The family preferred not to publish the documentation from the hospital and wanted to maintain its privacy.

About three months ago, the groom Itai Haim (Ben Ahuva) Hamani, 34, was injured during his wedding in the city of Modi’in, after dancing on a table raised by his friends and falling from a great height. ‘Tel Hashomer’ where doctors are fighting for his life all the time – as mentioned recently he woke up and started communicating with his family and doctors and last weekend he got up and walked the corridors of the hospital while fully conscious.

Following the unfortunate incident at the wedding, the Kikar Hashabat website launched a project in which dozens of leading ultra-Orthodox singers pledged to stop singing at the event – as soon as the bride or groom boarded a table.

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