Goodbye to discrimination against whites and Asians in the US

by time news

2023-06-29 17:04:07

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled this Thursday against the so-called “positive discrimination” in universities, considering that Harvard and the University of North Carolina violated the Constitution by using race as a factor in the admissions process. The president of the high court, the judge John Robertshas decided to write himself failure, which has been supported by the other five magistrates chosen by Republican presidents. The three judges chosen by Democratic presidents voted against, as happened in the Dobbs case, the ruling that returned the regulation of abortion to the states.

Many universities have wrongly determined for too long that what is most fundamental to an individual’s identity is not the challenges they have overcome, the skills they have mastered, or the lessons they have learned, but the color of their skin.. The constitutional history of this country does not tolerate that decision,” concludes the ruling, which nevertheless leaves the door ajar to consider race as long as it can be associated in a specific way with character qualities or unique abilities of specific students.

Justice Roberts also criticizes the left-leaning justices’ dissent for preferring “a judiciary that picks winners and losers based on the color of their skin. The minority certainly would not allow university policies that discriminate against black and Hispanic applicants, but is perfectly willing to allow these policies to continue. In his view, this Court is supposed to tell the State when it has chosen the right races to benefit Separate but equal is “inherently unequal,” said Brown. 347 US. Depends, says individual vote”.

Since this case started in 2018 with the complaint against Harvard from an association that represented students of Asian origin, it seemed clear that the case would eventually reach the Supreme Court and, after the retirement of Justice Kennedy and his replacement by Justice Kavanaugh after a long and contentious confirmation process, there was a firm conviction that the legality of racial discrimination had the days numbered Until today, universities could use the excuse of “diversity” in their student body to discriminate based on race when admitting students. It was a practice that could not be recognized very openly, but the data make it clear that it is widespread in almost the entire country.

In recent years, however, many centers have stopped taking standardized exams, the North American version of selectivity, into account when admitting students, which many have interpreted as a movement to be able to continue discriminating depending on the race without leaving a trace. In this way, they would continue to admit more Hispanic and black students than they should, based on their individual abilities and, therefore, discriminate against white students and, above all, Asian students, who at Harvard should be the vast majority judging exclusively by exam grades.

The ruling has tried to anticipate this foreseeable reaction by ruling that “despite the contrary affirmation of minority opinion, universities cannot simply maintain the regime that we today consider illegal by requesting essays from students or using other means. (A particular opinion does not is often the best source of legal advice on how to comply with the majority opinion)”.

#Goodbye #discrimination #whites #Asians

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