Goodbye to Gianni Miná, the journalist who believed in Latin America

by time news

Gianni Minà -journalist known worldwide for his exclusive interviews with Fidel Castro, Cassius Klay, Maradona, but also a staunch defender and disseminator of the liberation ideals that illuminate Latin America- has died at the age of 84.

“He left us after a brief heart condition. He was never left alone and was surrounded by the love of his family and closest friends. A special thanks to Prof. Fioranelli and the staff of the Villa del Rosario clinic who gave us the freedom to say goodbye with serenity”. This is the ad that appeared on the journalist’s Facebook profile.

“Now we learn with great pain that our great brother, friend and comrade Gianni has physically left us, but he will always live in our hearts and in the minds of the poor, the humble and those who will continue, also in his name, to think and build a society of just, equal and free men. How many fights together, how many battles for the ideas that we will continue with him and for him. Dear Loredana, we love you very much,” they wrote on Twitter. Rita and Luciano Vasapollo who shared all the battles with Miná in defense of the Bolivarian and Castroite ideals.

His condition deteriorated rapidly. Even last October, Gianni Miná was involved in controversy over Cuban doctors who rushed to help Calabrian public health.

“The mission of the ‘Henry Reeve’ brigade has always been -wrote Miná in response to the accusations of the Corriere della Sera- that of providing humanitarian-medical-sanitary assistance to the populations that are victims of natural disasters and epidemics in other countries and help their recovery, regardless of race, religion, or political creed. Most of its members have experience in international health missions and participation is completely voluntary. Why do they do it? Because that is the essence of Cuba, because even before becoming Castro, it has always been recognized in the ideals of José Martí, expressed in the famous phrase ‘The homeland is the entire humanity’ and this fundamental concept is also expressed in the preamble of its Constitution.

Cover photo: Fidel Castro and Gianni Miná

Taken from Cuba in Summary

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