Goodbye to the old year | Artemis Diary

by time news

2023-12-29 14:08:00

The time of year has arrived when we are most susceptible to love and nostalgia. The lights and the cold seasonal temperatures announce the farewell to 365 long, complex days, in which we once again demonstrated the true meaning of being Cuban. It is time to put an end to the adversities and even the joys that 2023 also brought us, with hope well placed in 2024.

At home, some are preparing for the traditional farewell that does not put wealth on the table, but rather the effort of the family, in the midst of a difficult economic situation. We cross off the list the projections so that they return on Christmas Eve and the end of the year in company, with little silence, even if we have the most loved one on the other side of a phone screen or in a spiritual dimension, whom we want to see sitting in the same table as the calendar demands.

Unexpected goodbyes come together in a December that seems to last forever and that compresses our souls. Also left behind are unfulfilled dreams, doors that remain closed despite being knocked, conflicts that bring out the strongest part of us or fears that require courage to be overcome. But, like everything in life, December also marks the end for a new beginning.

How do we Cubans, those of the neighborhood, the cool and hopeful people, wait for 2024? What should be articulated to be superior to what remained in the past without losing our essences? The next 12 months will not be the easiest, but we can make them unforgettable and unrepeatable from a personal perspective: we want to imagine not only material prosperity, but also that which grows in the heart to come together and raise the virtue of this nation. : sovereign, supportive… and I would even say, unique.

2023 for Cubans was a year of struggles for stability and improvement in our homes. It is true, we lacked too much: endure interruptions in the electrical service, late arrival of the basic basket, monetary duality and even natural attacks. Many other examples also topped the list of the many adversities from which neither you nor I were exempt. But human quality was not lacking very close, as characterizes us.

So what should we rethink for 2024. Cuba and Cubans deserve a significant improvement in the face of the challenges imposed by living in a blocked society, without access to supplies due to inhumane policy decisions. Young people have to find their life project on this island, as has been said so many times, the materialization of their expectations and the opportunities for progress. In this aspect, there is still much to be done since it is useless to till the land in which tomorrow no seeds will be deposited. They deserve to find connections with their past, their present and their future because this Revolution is the daughter of young people.

We cannot forget history either. If we do so we will make the most serious mistake and we will live first-hand experiences like those that are felt in the world today between massacres against children, blood crossing the ground on which one should walk without fear, presidents eliminating ministries, public policies and benefits in name of their people… corrupt proposed at the highest level of a nation.

We Cubans have learned the longing to wait for a better year, and this will be no different. Let us follow the path of the just, of truth and respect for man; Let us defend what we are above any sacrifice. Let us eliminate the obstacles that hinder our development and build the reality we want “with everyone and for the good of all.”

We are a living Cuba. Let us say goodbye to the old year and welcome the next 365 days in a country that will never renounce its values, the inheritance of a glorious past and its aspirations. Let us remember Fidel a thousand times when in one of his reflections he commented: «(…) there is no force superior to that atomic energy than the atom of love for the country. And what is called love of country is a spiritual raw material that produces much more energy than uranium or hydrogen.

#Goodbye #year #Artemis #Diary

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