“Google Unveils Interactive Doodle to Celebrate the 2024 Paralympic Games in Paris”[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z4MGhgvd4Y[/embed]

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<div><div class="paragraph">On August 29, <b>Google</b> surprised its users with a new <b>interactive doodle</b>, aimed at celebrating the <b>2024 Paralympic Games</b>, which started in Paris, France, on August 28 and will run until September 8.</div>
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    <p><b>This sporting event brings together 4,400 of the best Paralympic athletes in the world,</b> who will compete in wheelchair basketball, wheelchair fencing, athletics, road cycling, swimming, judo, wheelchair tennis, sitting volleyball, among others.</p><p>These events not only focus on sports activities but also <b>aim to inspire people to provoke social change, promote professional and sporting opportunities</b> <b>for those with disabilities,</b> according to the Olympic Games website.</p><h2>What is the game with which Google’s doodle celebrates the competition in Paris?<br/></h2><p>Upon entering <b>Google's homepage</b>, you can find two birds, one of them in a wheelchair, as they both hold a magnifying glass that has a small triangle in the center; clicking on it opens another tab where you can find a search game.</p><p>In the so-called <b>"Playground,"</b> you will be able to find <b>20 of the most searched sports,</b> French icons, among other things related to the <b>Paralympic Games.</b> As you find objects within the map that simulates the capital of France, you can obtain more information about the different competitions.</p><figure class="c-detail__media--vertical"><picture class="c-detail__media__thumb"><source media="(min-width:768px)" width="312" height="470" srcset="https://imagenes.eltiempo.com/files/image_312_470/uploads/2024/08/29/66d0f4004d017.jpeg" data-full-src="https://imagenes.eltiempo.com/uploads/2024/08/29/66d0f4004d017.jpeg"><img alt="Google Game." width="414" height="541" loading="lazy" src="https://imagenes.eltiempo.com/uploads/2024/08/29/66d0f4004d017.jpeg"/><nav class="c-detail__media__thumb__share"><p class="c-detail__media__thumb__share__title">Share</p><svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" x="0px" y="0px" width="24px" height="24px" viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="currentColor" d="M12.396,0.556C5.991,0.563,0.8,5.754,0.793,12.159c0.001,2.778,1,5.466,2.813,7.572
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