Gopi mistakenly calls Baakiya as radhika Baakiyalakshmi promo

by time news

Meanwhile, Gopi, who had been unfaithful to Pakiyalakshmi for several days, left until he married another woman named Radhika. But now both of them came to know that Pakyalakshmi and Radhika are good friends with each other.

Also, Pakyalakshmi came to know that her husband Gopi is having an affair with Radhika. Following this, Bhakyalakshmi questioned Gopi in front of everyone in the house and angrily left the house. After that, after thinking for a while, Gopi goes to visit Pakyalakshmi to talk to her and bring her home.

As Pakyalakshmi sat alone in her office doing her cooking, she reassured Gopi, who was taking her away, “What’s the guarantee that you won’t make this mistake again?” Pakiyalakshmi asks furiously. To that, Naam Apirani Gopi goes to take an oath on Pakyalakshmi’s hand and says, “I tell you the are my life Radhika” forgetting his wife Pakyalakshmi’s name, he spontaneously mentions the name of Radhika with whom he is in a relationship.

Gopi mistakenly calls Baakiya as radhika Baakiyalakshmi promo

Bhakyalakshmi was shocked to hear this. Pakyalakshmi fans say that Pakyalakshmi will only become Pathirakali Lakshmi from now on.

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