Gopi went on honeymoon at the age of 50.. An unexpected twist in Pakyalakshmi serial

by time news

Pakyalakshmi is a primetime serial on Vijay TV. Both Gopi and Radhika are going to get married in this series. In this environment, Gopi’s father Ramamurthy is adamant that the marriage should be stopped somehow.

In the morning, Ishwari brings coffee and gives it to Gopi’s father, who pushes the coffee down. Ishwari freezes in shock when she tells me Ramamurthy that your boy is going to get married today. After that, Ramamurthy, Iswari and Iniya go in an auto.

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Gopi and Radhika’s wedding is taking place here in the wedding hall. Just as Ishwari arrives, Gopi ties a thali around Radhika’s neck. This leaves everyone frozen in shock. And Gopi is about to go on honeymoon with Radhika at the age of 50 after marriage.

In an unexpected twist, Gopi’s entire family including Bhagya, Eghil and Iniya have come there. They are only ten for Gobi and the Pandian Stores family also comes to Gobi’s honeymoon spot.

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Thus Pandian Stores and Bhakyalakshmi series are telecasted as a one-hour Maha Sangam from eight to nine o’clock. Gobi already doesn’t like the Pandian Stores family.

The Pandian Stores family is about to house Gopi with his new wife in Pothakurai for their honeymoon. Due to this, Gopi is stuck in front of Radhika. Thus there is the Pakiyalakshmi series with many interesting twists.

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