Got the plane door the world was looking for; 5 years washing stone; The ultimate mystery MH370 | Malaysia Airlines | Malaysian Airlines flight MH370

by time news

The years when the sea and the dry land were sifted. Billions spent, how could a plane that flew with all communication systems disappear like this in such a technologically advanced age? The most mysterious event in modern history. The question of the whereabouts of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has yet to be answered. Allegations, controversies, curiosities, theories and so on, a plane is hidden somewhere with curiosity and concern even today. Even if the expectations are not met, there are still many families waiting for its passengers.

Now, a promising sign is emerging for those investigations. A few days ago, reports came in that a door of the missing plane had been found. With this, the conclusion that the pilots crashed the plane into the ocean is getting stronger. After the scientific examination of the plane wreckage found in the house of a fisherman in Madagascar 25 days ago, it is clarified that it belongs to the missing Malaysian plane. The door of the landing gear of the plane was found in the house of the fisherman. In 2017, Tatali, a fisherman, gets his door from the debris that washed ashore after Hurricane Fernando. Another curiosity is that he had given his wife to do laundry for five years without knowing the importance of this. The international media are also reporting that the first evidence has now been received to confirm that the plane was deliberately destroyed.

British engineer Richard Godfrey and MH370 wreckage hunter Blaine Gibson say the plane was deliberately brought down. Both make it clear that this conclusion is indicated by cracks and scratches on the door. But questions also arise as to how the cracks and scratches on the door, which had been used as a washing stone in a house for years, confirm that the plane was deliberately brought down.

Godfrey once determined that a Boeing 777 crashed in the Indian Ocean 2,000 km west of Perth, Western Australia, based on studies using different data sets. The exact point determined by data calculations is about 33 degrees south and 95 degrees east in the Indian Ocean. Earlier, an extensive search for MH370 was conducted twice in the Indian Ocean, but no trace of the plane could be found. In the first phase, the sea area between Malaysia and Vietnam was mainly searched. 34 ships and 28 aircraft were assigned for this purpose.

Seven countries have joined the search. Government and non-government agencies were heavily involved in the subsequent search. But nothing could find out what happened to the mysterious plane. Although no clear evidence of MH370 was found, the search helped to find many planes and ships that crashed at sea and remained unidentified, such as the Golden Ship, which sank in 1877 on its way from Scotland to Australia, and the West Ridge, which sank in 1883 on its way from England to India.

On the night of March 8, 2014, Boeing MH370 of Malaysia Airlines took off from the airport in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, and started its journey towards Beijing, China. Even after eight years, this plane has not yet reached its destination. The chief captain of the plane was an experienced pilot named Zahari Ahmed Shah. There was a co-pilot, 10 flight attendants and 227 passengers. A total of 239 people were on board. Most of them are from China and Malaysia. There were 5 Indians in the group.

At 1:00 a.m., the plane rose to 35,000 feet and sent a message to the Kuala Lumpur Air Traffic Control Station at 1:07 a.m. The message was in response to an instruction from the control station to report to the Ho Chi Minh station in Vietnam. Pilot Zahari wished good night to those at the control station. That was the last message from the plane. An hour later, the plane took a sudden turn and was caught on satellite cameras. Instead of going to the north-east side of Beijing, he turned to the south-west side of the Malaysian peninsula. Later, it shifted to the north-west and proceeded over the Straits of Malacca. Finally, satellite images showed the plane going down at high speed.

Then the findings stopped. The black box, which can provide crucial information about what happened on the plane, is still hidden somewhere today. There were even reports that the pilot had deliberately crashed the plane. But there was no evidence to support the theories that came out like this. After years of searching and spending crores of rupees, the search was stopped. Questions still remain. Did the plane crash? So how? Where? Has anyone cheated? So who? for what ? What happened to the 227 passengers and 12 crew including two pilots? If the plane crashed, where are its remains? The unanswered questions go like this. It still remains one of the world’s greatest aviation secrets. MH370 is still somewhere on this earth. Answered many questions. Let time answer.

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