Gothenburg is going to experience the scorching heat of summer.

by time news

As Easter passes, the weather forecast for next week looks promising with a high pressure system expected to bring warmer temperatures to Sweden. Despite some unstable days ahead, sunshine is expected on Wednesday with temperatures reaching just over 10 degrees. Gothenburg may experience a little rain on Thursday and Friday, but the weather is set to stabilise just in time for the weekend. The temperature may rise to just over 15 degrees, but it is in the middle of next week that the real heat arrives, with temperatures possibly reaching 15 to 20 degrees. However, it is uncertain how long the warm spell will last, so it’s best to keep winter clothes handy for cold mornings and nights. While 15 to 20 degrees may feel like summer, it’s not considered meteorological summer unless the daily average temperature is over 10 degrees. Despite this, many will be pleased that the upcoming forecast doesn’t include snow. It’s important to remember that it’s still only April and the weather can vary widely, so be prepared.

Easter is just behind us, with snow on Maundy Thursday and fairly pleasant temperatures and bright sunshine for the rest of the Easter weekend. But everything now indicates that the weather will be even better in the middle of next week.

– First a few unstable days will pass, then a high pressure will strengthen next week with higher temperatures in large parts of Sweden, says Niklas Einevik, meteorologist at SMHI.

This week will first bring sunshine on Wednesday and around ten degrees, on Thursday and Friday a little rain will move in over Gothenburg. But then the weather slowly stabilizes just in time for the weekend and with rising temperatures.

– Depending on the sun, the temperature can rise to just over 15 degrees.

– But as the forecast looks now, it is on Wednesday and Thursday next week that the real heat breaks through in earnest. Gothenburg can get temperatures of between 15 and 20 degrees. There are many indications that it will be sunny, but the details are uncertain, says Niklas Einevik.

He says that it is uncertain how long the heat will last, if it will stay over the weekend as well, or if it will be more normal temperatures of around ten degrees.

Although the days will be warm, the evenings and nights will not be. The nights will be on the plus side with occasional plus degrees up to five to six degrees. So he has a call:

– Keep the winter clothes close at hand because mornings and nights will be cold in the future.

With 15 to 20 degrees warm, you might think summer is here, but it’s not. It must be a daily average temperature of over ten degrees to be classified as meteorological summer, says Niklas Einevik.

But many can certainly be happy that there is at least not a snowflake in the upcoming forecast. However, it is not certain that the last straw has fallen over Gothenburg this spring. He believes that it is still only April, so you can never say never, and you don’t know yet what the weather will be like in Valborg, for example. Then the weather can vary wildly.

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