“Gottlieb’s Attack on Gallant Sparks Deepening Divide in the Country”

by time news

Defense Minister Yoav Galant has urged the halt of legislation as part of legal reform, stating that the rift is widening and discussions need to happen. However, MK Tali Gottlieb has attacked the move, calling it a scandal and a fatal mistake. She criticized the Defense Minister for taking part in this and intensifying the divide in the nation. When asked, she called the move cowardly and urged the Prime Minister to take action, stating that a defense minister who does this is unimaginable. She also criticized Galant for living in a delusion that the demonstrations and protests will stop. Ben Gvir called for the firing of Galant, while Likud MKs have supported the Defense Minister, stating that they will have 61 members if necessary and the vote will go ahead this week.

Defense Minister Yoav Galant last night called for a halt to the legislation as part of the legal reform: “At this time we must stop the process in order to sit down and talk, the rift is widening.” MK Tali Gottlieb She spoke this morning (Sunday) with Anat Davidov and Nissim Meshal on 103FM and attacked: “This is an unimaginable scandal and a fatal mistake. How dare you do this when Netanyahu is abroad? You say what is not allowed to be said, it is not allowed to talk about the various arenas, I have not heard from him any condemnation of refusals.”

Ben Gvir called for Gallant to be fired; These are the MKs from Likud who supported the Defense Minister

“It is not enough to say that there are no objections. Dichter and Bitten are with us, we have 62 members, even if one more does not come, we will be 61, the vote will be this week,” she added and made it clear that “we are not taking anyone’s word for it, what you did Galant is indescribable how horrible it is He is simply taking part in this and intensifying the rift in the nation.”

Yoav Galant: “The call for refusal is dangerous and may harm the IDF’s ability.” (Photo: Nicole Leskavi, spokeswoman for the Minister of Defense)

When asked if this was a cowardly step, she replied: “Clear, clear and smooth, what is the question.” MK Gottlieb added: “Galant lives in a complete delusion that the demonstrations and protests will stop. I really like the Minister of Defense as a security man, but he said things in favor of no fortune that I would never have expected from him. The Prime Minister should call him to order and quickly. A defense minister who does something.”

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