Gourma/ March 8: Women decide to clean up their living environment | BIA

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Gourma/ March 8: Women decide to clean up their living environment

Fairy N’GourmaMarch 8, 2023 (AIB) – Like other cities, women in the East region commemorated International Women’s Day on March 8, 2023 in Fada N’Gourma, by cleaning up their living environment.

It is in a context of strong security challenges that Women’s Day was celebrated this year in the Eastern region. Contrary to other years, the populations devoted their day to a sanitation operation. Thus, from the early hours of this morning, women, men and local authorities stormed the urban medical center No. 1 of Fada N’Gourma and its surroundings to carry out a cleaning operation.

On this occasion, the governor of the Eastern region, Hubert Yaméogo, indicated that the choice of cleaning is an activity that has been registered by the ministry in charge of Humanitarian Action.

“At the local level, we justify the choice of cleaning operation at the urban medical center because it will provide a better environment for the sick, give comfort to the nurses and doctors who officiate there and finally to eliminate diseases,” said Yaméogo.

He said that the celebration of March 8, 2023 is placed under the contribution of women to agricultural production, particularly in terms of soilless cultivation. The governor of the Eastern region explained to these valiant women who abandoned their cultivable land because of insecurity, the importance of soilless cultivation and how to practice it.

The provincial coordinator of Gourma women, Ramatou Nassouri, said that the sanitation operation in a health center is a way of contributing in a citizen way to the maintenance of these places. She also added that the day dedicated to women is a sign of the promotion of women’s rights which has consecrated their liberation.

In view of the current context, the provincial coordinator invited women to be artisans of peace and vectors of social cohesion in their actions, because the country needs tranquility.

Burkina Information Agency


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