Gourmet Meals: Between Times in Prague

by time news

Weeks before the times and hundreds of families have already booked their vacation at the prestigious King David Hotel located in Prague.


Hundreds of families from the ultra-Orthodox sector have already booked their “between the times” vacation at the prestigious King David Hotel located in Prague. The place that has been one of the attractive destinations for the ultra-Orthodox family in recent years has become even more in demand over the past year due to the high demand among the ultra-Orthodox sector to come and relax in Prague which has become a hot tourist destination.

The King David Hotel in Prague has in recent years bought a place of honor in the list of coveted holiday destinations of the ultra-Orthodox public overseas, when the very existence of a hotel that is under elegant supervision and conducted according to all halakhic fences in one of the most visited cities in the world. An unprecedented demand from the ultra-Orthodox public to vacation there.

In addition, the hotel also holds three prayer quorums every day, along with the existence of a mikveh tehara according to all the grammar of Halacha. The prevailing atmosphere in the hotel is unique and prestigious, one that will make you want to return there as soon as possible.

Prague itself is considered as one of the most visited cities in the world, with breathtaking architecture, rare historical sites and a classic European aroma that leaves a taste of more. The hotel is located in the center of the city, close to popular tourist sites, such as the Jewish Quarter, the Altneuschul Synagogue and the tomb of Rabbi Maharal Zia.

Also, just about a year ago the popular fashion chain Primark opened a new and huge branch in Prague located within walking distance of the prestigious King David Hotel. When this is a real line for the masses of tourists who come to the place and to this day have had to migrate to other countries to enjoy the online shopping experience.

‘Primark’ is considered a highly sought-after fashion chain, the company maintains low prices mainly due to its ability to quickly transport the goods and replenish supply inventory quickly. The company focuses on retail sales without the possibility of buying on online sites, in contrast to other chains.

The many ultra-Orthodox vacationers who have come to the hotel in recent times tell of an extraordinary experience like they have not experienced anywhere else. That soul in place.

He said, “The whole hotel is just right for the ultra-Orthodox sector, I was there among dozens of ultra-Orthodox guests who all praised the prestigious hotel that takes care of everything the ultra-Orthodox tourist needs, whether it’s a pool and gym with separate hours, whether it’s prayer counts and especially the elegant kosher And kind. “

The management of the prestigious hotel “King David” notes that there are really last rooms left for a vacation between the times, so you should hurry up and book today to ensure you the perfect vacation, for you and the whole family, a vacation that will undoubtedly fill you with renewed strength for the days of mercy and forgiveness.

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