Government allays concerns

by time news

Controversy around Talon’s 3rd term: Government allays concerns

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Wilfried Léandre Houngbedji

The President of the Republic, Patrice Talon does not want to run for a third term. This is the assurance given by the Deputy Secretary General of the Government and Spokesman of the Government, Wilfried Léandre Houngbédji. Facing the press this Friday, March 24, 2023, he clearly shed light on this question which has been bothering more than one for the past few days. According to Wilfried Léandre Houngbédji, as many people are against, as many are for and who each have their reasons and it is their right. He recalled that in the years 2004, 2005, 2006, there were President Kérékou’s lieutenants who called for him to stay in power. Under President Yayi in the years 2014, 2015 and 2016, there were those who “were working visibly or not to ensure that he played extra time at the head of the country”. “It’s freedom of expression, it’s freedom of opinion,” he says before making it clear that every time the president himself had already said, it’s his second term. . “He said it over and over again,” declared the deputy secretary general of the government. According to him, Talon reinforced the term limitation clauses in the Constitution by saying that no one can, in his life, serve more than two terms as President of the Republic. “This Constitution has gone further by saying that the revision carried out does not establish either a new Republic or a new Constitution”, he specifies before giving an appointment to the Beninese in 2026. “Let the politicians have their debate policy. Make an appointment. You will see how President Patrice Talon will come out the front door. National and international opinion will remember that a President of the People’s Republic, at the end of his mandate, decides to comply scrupulously with what the constitution in force at the moment has provided for. That’s the most important thing, ”said Wilfried Léandre Houngbédji. Even if the whole political class meets to say that Talon must continue, Wilfried Léandre Houngbédji sees no harm in this proposal. “It’s his right,” he observes.

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