Government and ruling party: “2026 medical school enrollment quota can be adjusted from the starting point”

by times news cr

Han Dong-hoon proposes “formation of a consultative body between the ruling and opposition parties”
The Office of the President immediately said, “We welcome discussions with the medical community.”
As the emergency room crisis grows, the first stance is changed
The opposition also said, “It’s late, but let’s start the consultative body immediately.”

92-year-old cancer patient unable to be admitted due to lack of hospital beds On the 6th, cancer patient Park (92) was taken out of the emergency room at Eunpyeong St. Mary’s Hospital in Seoul and is being transferred to an ambulance to go to another hospital. The day before, Mr. Park went into cardiac arrest at home and arrived at the emergency room of this hospital while receiving CPR. He received emergency treatment, but was reportedly denied admission due to a lack of hospital beds. As the gap in emergency medical care spreads, the number of patients being denied admission to emergency rooms or hospital beds due to a lack of medical staff is increasing. Reporter Jeon Yeong-han [email protected]

On the 6th, the Office of the President and the ruling party first announced their position that the issue of increasing the number of medical school students for the 2026 school year “can be discussed and adjusted from scratch.” The Office of the President stated that morning, “If the medical community presents a reasonable plan, we will discuss the issue of medical school students from scratch at any time.” In response to People Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon’s proposal that morning to “form a bipartisan consultative body to relieve public anxiety about the medical gap and seek reasonable alternatives to increasing the number of medical school students,” the party immediately welcomed the proposal and stated that adjusting the 2026 medical school student quota, which the government announced to be 2,000, is also possible. The Office of the President, Han, and People Power Party floor leader Choo Kyung-ho are reported to have discussed the same matter the previous day. The Democratic Party of Korea also responded by saying, “Let’s quickly activate the consultative body,” leaving only the medical community’s decision remaining.

A senior official at the Blue House said in a phone call that day, “The medical community should come to the negotiating table first,” and “(regarding the issue of medical school enrollment) it is the will to ‘have a forward-looking discussion without being restricted by numbers. ’” The ruling party also emphasized that it can discuss the issue of increasing medical school enrollment from the beginning. Floor leader Choo said at a floor strategy meeting, “The government and the party’s position is that we can discuss the issue of medical reform, including the issue of increasing medical school enrollment for the 2026 school year, from the beginning with an open mind.”

The change in the Blue House’s position is interpreted as a response to the worsening public sentiment, including growing public anxiety over the recent emergency room crisis and growing criticism of the government’s response. A senior Blue House official added, “President Yoon urged his staff to be open-minded, suggesting that more flexible dialogue is needed, and the ruling and opposition parties have reached a consensus.”

The Democratic Party also said, “It is late in the day, but let’s immediately launch a consultative body.” The Democratic Party’s Medical Disaster Special Committee said, “In order to return medical staff to the field and normalize medical school education, we need to have a wide-ranging discussion that goes beyond a review of the quota for 2026, including scientific estimates of the quota size and methods for increasing the quota.”

The medical associations did not immediately express their intention to participate in the ruling and opposition party deliberations. An official from the Korean Medical Association said, “We think positively,” but added, “We need to show a change in position that can be accepted positively by residents (interns and residents) and medical students. It doesn’t seem like that’s the case yet.” On the other hand, medical school professors, including the National Medical School Professors’ Council and the National Medical School Professors’ Emergency Response Committee, announced that they would not participate in the deliberations. The Korean Intern Residents’ Association, a group of residents, did not express any particular position on the proposal to form the council.

Yoon: “Medical school recruitment completed” in 8 days… Presidential Office turns to “adjustment possible”

[의정갈등 출구 모색]
Taking a step back as public sentiment worsens ahead of Chuseok… Coordination between ruling and opposition parties the day after Yoon’s emergency room visit
Office of the President: “Yoon, requesting flexible dialogue… will not be restricted by the number of 2,000”

The Office of the President announced on the 6th that it “can discuss the issue of increasing the number of medical school students for the 2026 school year again from zero base,” suggesting that the increase in the number of students for the 2026 school year, which was set at 2,000, could be adjusted. This is considered to be a step back from President Yoon Seok-yeol’s press conference on the 29th of last month, when he emphasized that “the increase in medical school students has been completed” and that he would proceed with the increase as planned. As the ruling and opposition parties have both hinted at the possibility of adjusting the size of the increase in medical school students for the 2026 school year, the ball is now in the medical community’s court. Attention is being paid to whether a breakthrough can be found in the conflict between the legislature and the government that has continued for over 6 months.

It has been reported that the background to the change in the position of the Office of the President is the sense of crisis due to the worsening public sentiment, such as the public’s anxiety about the emergency room chaos during the Chuseok holiday and the growing dissatisfaction with the government’s response. It has been reported that within the Office of the President, after President Yoon visited the emergency center of Uijeongbu St. Mary’s Hospital in Gyeonggi Province on the 4th, there was a shared sense of problem that “the worsening public opinion must be resolved” as there were continuous criticisms that there was a gap between the public’s perception of the situation and the Office of the President’s perception of reality.

● Yongsan “I will not be bound by the number of 2,000 people”

Government and ruling party: “2026 medical school enrollment quota can be adjusted from the starting point”

People Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon held a briefing at the Korea Christian Church Hall in Jongno-gu, Seoul on the 6th and announced, “I propose to form and operate a ‘ruling and opposition party consultative body’ to relieve public anxiety about the medical gap and improve the essential medical system in the region.” Newsis

The presidential office welcomed the proposal made by People Power Party leader Han Dong-hoon this morning, immediately after he proposed “forming a bipartisan parliamentary consultative body to seek rational alternatives for increasing the number of medical schools.” Jang Sang-yoon, senior presidential secretary for social affairs, said on the same day, “We will not be bound by the number of 2,000,” and “If a representative of the medical community comes to the bipartisan consultative body and proposes a rational plan, sufficient discussion is possible.”

A senior official at the Blue House said, “President Yoon ordered his staff to ‘talk (with the medical community) in a more flexible manner’ so that they can let the public know that the government’s stubborn claim of having 2,000 hospital beds is false.” It was reported that at a meeting of senior secretaries held on the 5th, the day after President Yoon visited the emergency center, there was a consensus to convey to the ruling party the intention to ‘actively create a channel for dialogue.’ The Blue House explained that Chief Jang met with Representative Han that afternoon and coordinated the content of the announcement.

On the morning of the 6th, Representative Han proposed, “Let’s form a four-party consultative body to relieve public anxiety and improve the regional and essential medical system,” and emphasized, “(During the operation of the consultative body) we must also sufficiently listen to the opinions of the public and the medical field.” When asked, “Was the proposal to form the consultative body coordinated with the Office of the President in advance?” Representative Han said, “I understand that the Office of the President also agrees with this issue.”

People Power Party floor leader Choo Kyung-ho also said on the same day, “Let’s find a reasonable plan for the appropriate size of the increase in the 2026 school year.” Floor leader Choo met with the Dong-A Ilbo and said, “The medical community doesn’t have to bring anything (alternative quotas), so let them come in first.” Floor leader Choo, who is close to Yoon, is said to have acted as a mediator between the presidential office and Han. However, Han’s side said about the proposal to form a bipartisan council, “We discussed it and the presidential office agreed.”

● Korea: “Even if it’s the ruling and opposition parties, it comes first”, Democratic Party: “Medical community can’t be left out”

On the 6th, Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, urged a solution at the party's Supreme Council meeting held at the National Assembly, saying,

On the 6th, Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, urged a solution at the party’s Supreme Council meeting held at the National Assembly, saying, “President Yoon Seok-yeol should apologize to the people for the medical crisis.” Reporter Jang Seung-yoon [email protected]

The ruling and opposition parties have begun coordinating the composition of the council, with the Democratic Party of Korea stating, “We welcome the council. Let’s get it up and running quickly.” A key member of the People Power Party said, “We will be able to have detailed discussions with the Democratic Party around the 9th,” and “If the medical community does not participate right away, the three parties, the ruling and opposition parties, will start the council first.” Representative Han also said, “Even if (the medical community) cannot participate right away, I think the ruling and opposition parties should start discussions first.” Expert lawmakers from the ruling and opposition parties, as well as the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Education, are expected to participate.

The Democratic Party expressed its welcoming stance, but it is known that there are voices within the party that say that President Yoon’s apology for the current medical issues should come first. There were also responses that said, “What can be solved by just the ruling and opposition parties gathering without the medical community?” A Democratic Party floor leader said in a phone call, “If the government shows a responsible attitude first, won’t the medical community participate in the consultative body?”

Reporter Cho Kwon-hyung [email protected]
Reporter Shin Na-ri [email protected]
Reporter Jo Yu-ra [email protected]
Reporter Lee Ji-woon [email protected]

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2024-09-06 21:54:28

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