Government climate package: gasoline price shock! Fuel up to 40 cents more expensive *** BILDplus content *** – Economy

by time news

Because of the government’s climate package

Gasoline price shock!
Fuel up to 40 cents more expensive

In 2022, the liter of super could cost more than 2 euros

Photo: dpa / Montage: BILD, picture alliance / Goldmann

The Chancellor candidates kept that from us during the election campaign: It doesn’t matter whether the next Chancellor is Olaf Scholz (63, SPD) or Armin Laschet (60, CDU) – he will have to increase the price of fuel significantly!

Reason: the climate package that GroKo 2019 imposed on itself.

There is a risk: A price shock at the gas station in the coming year of up to 40 cents! That would make the price for a liter of petrol over 2 euros!

Read with BILDplus why exactly this could happen and what politicians are saying about it.


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