Government must readjust by 8% the salaries of Executive servers

by time news

Lula participated in the PT anniversary event

O Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services
announced that it proposed an 8% readjustment to all federal executive servants in salaries starting in March later this year (2023).

The subject was the subject of discussion during the meeting of the National Bureau of Permanent Negotiation (MNNP)
this Thursday (16).

The government will offer an increase of R$ 200 in the food allowance of the servers
public. It was also proposed an increase of 43%
in food aid for servers, which will correspond to a value of R$ 200
extra reais in the benefit, however the proposal will still be analyzed by the unions of the categories.

the secretariat of People Management and Labor Relations of the Ministry
da Gestão informs that these proposals fit into the budget of R$ 11.2 billion foreseen for readjustments and benefits for civil servants approved in this year’s budget.

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