Government predicts deficit in public accounts of almost R$ 200 billion

by time news

2023-11-23 03:05:04

O government federal revised the projection of deficit primary in public accounts for 2023, which should reach R$177.4 billion. The value corresponds to 1.7% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) national.

The announcement was made by the Ministries of Finance and Planning this Wednesday, 22nd. The previous forecast was for a R$ 171 billion deficit in public accounts

The two departments also stated that there will be a new contingency (block in the Budget) for 2023, which will be R$1.1 billion. Thus, the blockages amount to almost R$5 billion.

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With the new projection, the government is expected to block almost R$5 billion from the Budget this year | Photo: Reproduction/Freepik

Worsening of the deficit in public accounts

This year’s Budget Guidelines Law (LDO) authorizes the government to meet a deficit of up to R$213.6 billion, which is equivalent to 2% of GDP, considering the National Treasury, Social Security and the Central Bank.

The numbers show that public accounts have worsened. According to the report, R$22.2 billion did not enter the public coffers, while R$21.9 billion was spent on unforeseen expenses.

In the case of revenue, 97% of the frustrated resources refer to just two budget items – R$12.6 billion in judicial deposits from Caixa Econômica Federal and another R$9 billion less in expected revenue from Income Tax, Social Contribution on Net Profit (CSLL), Import Tax and Cofins.

As for expenses, 94% are also concentrated in two lines of the Budget – R$16.3 billion in compensation for States and municipalities, plus R$4.3 billion generated by the increase in the Health minimum.

For this year, the Budget estimates a fiscal deficit of R$228.1 billion. The Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad (PT), had promised to reduce this gap to close to R$100 billion.

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