Government Responds to Maduro’s Insult to Miley: “Foolishness from an Ignorant Man”

by time news
Manuel Adorni Press Conference

face to face spokesperson, Manuel AdorniToday he reaffirmed the Casa Rosada’s position to ignore the outcome of the elections in Venezuela, spoke about the leaders’ asylum in the Argentine Embassy in Caracas and responded to the dictator’s insults Nicolás Maduro “To President Xavier Miley.”An idiot coming from an idiot“, Held.

In his usual press conference, the official referred to the rejection by other countries of the election results and the demand for electoral records and said that “The region understood that dictatorships like Maduro’s cannot continue,

In the early hours of Monday, when he claimed victory, Maduro said: ,Miley, trash, you are dictatorship. Vendepatria, coward, You can’t even tolerate me for one round. Ugly and stupid, he takes stupid pictures. Sociopath, sadist.” “We are outraged,” Adorni said.

He said this when asked about the status of the Argentine Embassy in Caracas The official decision is to “continue to protect” Opposition leaders taking refuge in the diplomatic headquarters.

The Chavista regime gave the Argentine delegation a three-day period to leave the country, which would expire the day after tomorrow. They did so through a letter, and At this time, the Casa Rosada decided whether or not to send a plane to look for them.

President Javier Miley and Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro (EFE)

“Based on your government’s interventionist actions and statements to ignore the electoral results of Sunday’s presidential election (…) has decided to request the withdrawal of Argentine diplomatic and consular officials from our country within a maximum period of 72 hours from this date.“, established the letter to which he agreed infobae,

After yesterday’s notification of the threatened order to leave the country issued by the Chavista regime, the possibility of urgently sending a plane to look for them was analyzed from the highest levels of the national government. If this happens, it will depart tonight, in order to have enough time to land, board the plane with all the personnel and leave Venezuelan airspace. The truth is that in order to carry out this operation, the Venezuelan dictatorship will have to authorize the entry of the plane, given that the ban on the entry of Argentine aircraft is in force.

Opposition leaders granted asylum by Argentina Pedro Urucurtu Noselli, Humberto Villalobos, Claudia Macerow, Omar Gonzalez, Fernando Martinez Y Mottola Y Magali Maida. They were all part of María Corina Machado’s campaign committee when she was running for president, before it was banned by the dictatorships of Maduro and Diosdado Cabello.

For the Argentine government, the six people seeking asylum in diplomatic representation should be treated the same as the rest of the diplomats. They use Article 19 of the Asylum Convention, which, ironically, was signed in Caracas in 1954, which says this in detail, despite the fact that the Maduro dictatorship pretends to ignore it.

“If, due to a rupture in relations, the diplomatic representative granting asylum must leave the territorial State, he shall accompany the asylum seekers. If what is established in the previous paragraph is not possible for reasons beyond the control of the asylum seekers or the diplomatic agent, the latter must hand them over, with the guarantees established, to the representation of a third State party to this Convention. If the latter is also not possible, they must be handed over to a State that is not a Party and that agrees to maintain asylum. The territorial State must respect said asylum,” states the article in question.

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