Government studies creating denounce hotline against violence in schools – Cidades

by time news
Police officers during inspection at a school in Campo Grande. (Photo: Paulo Francis/Archive)

The first meeting of the inter-ministerial working group created to propose public policies for preventing and confronting violence in schools was held this Thursday morning (6th), at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education (MEC).

Ministers announced, in a press conference, that immediate actions were discussed and others to be adopted in the medium and long terms to combat the problem.

According to the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, who coordinates the working group, the first proposal is the creation of a hotline – a direct and specific telephone channel for reports of suspected cases of attacks on educational institutions.

“It is important for people to anticipate, if they notice a suspicious episode in relation to a classmate, to someone on the street, in the neighborhood. So, we want to see the feasibility of creating this channel for denouncing violence in schools as quickly as possible and having this channel more agile”, highlighted Santana.

The proposal is for the new service to work along the lines of two federal government call centers: Disque 100, coordinated by the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship, and Ligue 180, coordinated by the Ministry of Women.

The federal government will also draw up an emergency protocol to guide public and private schools and education professionals on how to act in case of new attacks.

The Minister of Education said that, on another front, the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship, which had already been doing work to combat hatred, intolerance and the radicalization of groups, should now anticipate the report that deals specifically with this issue. issue experienced in the school environment.

Through the MEC, the federal government still intends to allocate financial resources to the PDDE (Direct Money at School Program), managed by the FNDE (National Fund for the Development of Education) to transfer resources to mediate conflicts within school units.

The Minister of Education is going to order a national mapping of violence in schools. Another action that should be launched soon by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is the expansion of full-time education for children and young people.

In the field of health, the Minister of Health, Nísia Trindade, pointed out that the 2003 Health at School Program should be reinforced to improve psychosocial care within the school environment, with prevention and attention to the mental health of students and education professionals. .

“We want to strengthen it in a comprehensive vision of promotion, prevention [à violência] and work with a focus on youth,” said the minister, recalling that violence has been considered a public health problem since the 1980s.

In the area of ​​culture, public notices must be launched to promote a culture of peace within schools. Another proposal presented was the launching of a clarification campaign, still without a defined date.

“Secretary of Social Communication [da Presidência da República] will discuss the format of the campaign because it involves issues of social networks”, explained Camilo Santana.

National Youth Secretariat, of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, intends to carry out caravans for peace throughout the national territory to welcome young people, in partnership with student organizations.

At the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, intelligence work on social networks, focusing on calls deep e dark webshould monitor discussions about planning new criminal attacks.

The Minister of the General Secretariat of the Presidency, Márcio Macêdo, invited the press to join the pact in order not to give visibility to murderers who attack schools so that they are not worshiped as celebrities on social networks.

Next steps – The inter-ministerial working group was created by presidential decree (nº 11.469), published in an extra edition of the Federal Official Gazette, this Wednesday (5).

According to the document, the final report on the work of the interministerial group must be presented within 180 days after the first meeting. But the deadline can be extended. Minister Camilo Santana anticipated that a first report with proposals will be released to the public in 90 days.

The ministers of Education, Camilo Santana; Health, Nísia Trindade; from Sport, Ana Moser; on Human Rights and Citizenship, Silvio Almeida (this one via videoconference); in addition to representatives of the Ministries of Justice; of culture; the General Secretariat, National Youth Secretariat; Secretariat of Social Communication; and the Special Secretariat for Coordination and Monitoring of the Presidency of the Republic.

At this Thursday’s meeting, the teams from the group’s ministries that will participate in the sectoral meetings, starting next week, were defined.

According to the established work calendar, once a month, the ministers will meet to learn about ongoing discussions.

In the next meetings, the group will open space for representatives of higher education institutions and also wants to listen to civil society organizations, experts, representatives of municipal and state governments that contribute to discussing the eradication of hatred and intolerance in educational institutions.

For Minister Márcio Macêdo, everyone’s involvement is essential for effective joint actions. “We, from the federal government, state and municipal governments, civil society. It is also important to emphasize that private educational institutions also need to fulfill their role. As well as the National Congress, which needs to address the issue with legislation.”

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