Governor’s Speech Issue: Who Gains… Who Loses?

by time news

From arbitrarily summoning the vice-chancellors of the universities and holding meetings to criticizing the Dravidian model, the governor has been doing whatever he wants. At present, he is pushing the ideologies of RSS to such an extent that Tamil Nadu should be called Tamil Nadu and he has also started rubbing the basic sentiments of Tamils.

It has become a precedent in the history of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly that the Governor has avoided reading a part of the speech printed and issued by the government and not reading the names mentioned in it. Whether this is a bad or a healthy precedent, only time and future events will tell.

The rebuttal that I cannot read what you are giving shows the personality of the Governor. When a resolution was passed in the House against the Governor, he immediately called the officials and left the House immediately after knowing what it was, which is the height of personality.

Not only did he leave the House, but the Governor also expressed his justification for his actions that day. “It is unacceptable that Tamil Nadu is a peace park and it has received huge financial investment. He is also able to give his own explanation that he did not read them.

In this environment, the BJP has fully rallied in support of the Governor. Starting from Annamalai to Vanadi Srinivasan, all the people who think of him as a BJP commander and not as a governor are paying taxes and advocating for him.

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