GPS watch for your child

by time news

GPS watches; they can no longer be ignored in our lives. Many adults already have a GPS watch and I totally understand why. I also wear one myself and I am very happy with it. Not that I fully use all functions, but I do like the pedometer, sleep tracking and keeping track of my activities and stress levels and the like.

But did you know that a GPS watch for your child is also super smart? Especially when they are at the age that you do not want to give them a mobile phone yet, a GPS watch is a fantastic alternative to let your child play outside safely and to keep an eye on it. I’d love to tell you why.

Why you can let your child wear a GPS watch

It is no longer so obvious that it is safe to play outside. But with a GPS watch it all becomes a little less exciting. Especially for the parents.

They are very popular these days for a reason; GPS watch child. They look like regular watches and they come in all shapes, sizes and colors. However, they are slightly different from normal watches and contain functions that allow you to let your child play outside with more confidence. In addition, they also have similar functions to those of a GPS watch for adults.

These types of ‘smart’ watches have all kinds of special functions. The most important is the GPS function. This allows parents (or guardians) to track their child’s location in ‘real time’.

The knowledge that if something happens, the child can be found more easily, is also very nice for many people. This means that your child has more freedom, and you feel more at ease. A win-win situation for both.

Advantages of GPS watches

In addition to being able to follow your child in ‘real time’, a GPS watch also has a few other major advantages for you as a parent. This way your child can not only keep track of the time, but also always make an emergency call.

1. Emergency calls are always possible

Many GPS watches for children have a so-called SOS function with which children can quickly and easily request help in case of emergency.

By pressing the button, children can make an emergency call to the preset numbers, such as their parents, relatives or even emergency services. This is especially nice for children who do not yet have access to a mobile phone.

2. GEO Fencing your child with GPS watch

Another advantage is geo-fencing. Most GPS watches for kids have this feature that allows parents to set virtual boundaries on a map. Super handy to follow your child via an app!

If the child subsequently exceeds these limits, the parents receive a warning on their mobile phone. In this way, parents can let their children play outside with peace of mind.

You will be warned, so that you do not have to look at your phone every second, but can simply do your daily things at home while your child (with GPS watch on) is playing with friends.

Communicate with your child through his or her watch

Some GPS watches for children are even so extensive that they have communication functions. In this way you can communicate through the watch by sending messages, and even by calling, or video calling!

This can help parents stay in touch with their children and vice versa, without having to buy a separate phone. This can also be nice if the child is going to sleep over for the first time. This way parent and child know that contact can be made in an accessible way.

And contact with grandpa and grandma is made a bit easier, especially with the video calling function on a GPS watch, it is great if your child can also contact his grandpa and grandma, right?

Pedometer and health measurements

Finally, a popular functionality is the pedometer with health monitoring. Many GPS watches for kids also have a pedometer and other health monitoring features, such as heart rate monitoring and sleep tracking.

This can help parents keep track of their children’s health and well-being and take action if necessary. Personally, I find this function useful on my own GPS watch, but I would not use it for the children.

In short, GPS watches offer advantages, the biggest benefit of which is without a doubt peace of mind. The latest and best models of GPS watches for children are available on One2Track. This way you always have your child safe and close by.

How does a GPS watch with prepaid or unlimited use work?

Of course there is a SIM card in the GPS watch. You can work with a prepaid card that you can top up yourself. You can also choose to make unlimited use of the functions of the GPS watch.

You do this by taking out a subscription. I saw that you have a monthly subscription for € 9.95 so that you are always assured that you can follow your child and that he can contact the people he or she has in the contact list.

It is that my children are a bit older, but otherwise they would definitely get a GPS watch specifically for children. I think it’s a very good technical development. And parents who say ‘we didn’t have that before’ they can of course make their own choice in this. But as far as I’m concerned, times are not as they used to be.

Hi, welcome to lifestyle blog MamsatWork. I am Joyce, content creator and internet entrepreneur, married and mother of an adolescent and a teenager.

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