Granddaughter of Monteiro Lobato who inspired ‘Sítio do Picapau Amarelo’ dies

by time news

Joyce Lobato Campos, granddaughter of author Monteiro Lobato (1882-1942) and who inspired some of the most memorable stories from “Sítio do Picapau Amarelo”, passed away this Sunday (28), aged 93. Joyce was the last family member of Monteiro Lobato who had direct contact with the author.

The details of the wake were released by the family, who chose the Monumental Grupo Bom Pastor, located in Alto da Boa Vista, in Limeira, São Paulo, for the last tributes. The ceremony is scheduled for this Monday (29), starting at 3pm, with the burial scheduled for 5pm. In a special request, the family opted for orchids instead of flower crowns, as a way of paying tribute to Joyce.

Joyce’s connection with the stories of “Sítio do Picapau Amarelo” goes beyond the family bond with Monteiro Lobato. During her 18 years of coexistence with the author, she not only inspired several passages in his works, but also lent mannerisms and habits to some of the public’s most beloved characters. A notable example is the book “The Reform of Nature”, published in 1939, which carries the essence of her inspirations.

In addition to the literary legacy, Joyce and the other heirs of Monteiro Lobato recently signed a contract with SBT for the licensing of products related to “Sítio do Picapau Amarelo” and the production of an educational children’s series, scheduled for this year.

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