Granerud became the number one enemy of Polish fans. And he openly says what he doesn’t like

by time news

He showed great class on Sunday. In view of Dawid Kubacki’s sudden withdrawal from the competition, he learned that the Crystal Ball was his before the competition. However, he immediately said that he did not want to comment on this success in a situation where he did not know what was happening to our jumper. With this behavior, he undoubtedly scored points with Polish fans, which, to put it mildly, does not happen very often.

Because Granerud arouses great interest not only because of the excellent form that he has been presenting almost continuously for three years. Even before the great successes began, he showed that he is undoubtedly an extraordinary person. He jumped naked, in tandem, not only on jumping skis, but also on cross-country skis, on which he tried to do a somersault and pierced his lung. Although now he rather avoids such madness, he shows his expressiveness every now and then. Mostly in interviews.

Granted, some of his statements were unfortunate. If he hadn’t given an emotional interview, the memorable words that Kamil Stoch wasn’t jumping so well, he just had good conditions wouldn’t have been said. Nor would he call this year’s World Cup competition a parody. After all, he later apologized for everything, although his words had already affected Polish fans like a rag to a bull. Two years ago, even his girlfriend was hit for words about Stoch, who received threats in social media after her beloved’s feat.

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