Grant for research into the role of art in the palliative phase

by time news

The Art-Based Learning in Palliative Care (ART-PC) consortium will receive a 7 million euro grant to conduct research into the role of arts education in palliative care. Supplemented by co-financing from partners, the consortium led by the ArtEZ art academy will receive a total of one million euros.

ArtEX reports this on its website. In ART-PC, universities, museums, academic hospitals and patient organizations come together to research the effect of art education in the final stage of life of patients with incurable cancer. Led by professor Jeroen Lutters, the effect of ‘Art Based Learning’ on meaning-making processes will be examined. This is a teaching method in which the dialogue between the viewer and the work of art is central. The patient does not learn about art, but from art.


The research will last until 2026. The consortium then hopes to demonstrate concretely that art in the palliative phase has a positive effect. This should intensify the relationship and cooperation between doctors, therapists and nurses on the one hand and museums and artists on the other.

In addition to ArtEZ, Amsterdam UMC, University of Twente, Radboud University, various museums and patient associations Living with hope, SPKS and NFK are involved in the research.

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