Granting emergency support to agricultural producers in the grain sector – on the agenda of the meeting

by time news

2023-04-20 06:15:00

The government has on the agenda of Thursday’s meeting the analysis of the draft decision regarding the granting of an emergency support measure for agricultural producers in the cereal sector.

Coalition leaders – Marcel Ciolacu, Nicolae Ciucă and Kelemen HunorPhoto: Inquam Photos / Octav Ganea

According to a press release sent on Wednesday, the Executive will also discuss in the meeting the amendment and completion of the Government’s Emergency Ordinance no. 83/2000 regarding the organization and operation of private practice offices for public services related to the medical act. The normative act establishes, among others, the public services related to the medical act: dental technique; biology, biochemistry and chemistry; medical physics; physiotherapy; psychology; speech therapy; sociology; optics – optometry; orthotic prosthesis; hearing aid; audiology; voice therapy; nutrition and dietetics.

Another draft decision on the agenda of the meeting refers to the modification of the Methodological Norms for the application of the Government’s Emergency Ordinance no. 28/1999 regarding the obligation of economic operators to use electronic fiscal marking machines. According to the substantiation note, the project establishes, among other things, the configuration and technical and functional characteristics of the electronic fiscal marking devices integrated in unattended equipment such as commercial machines that operate on the basis of card payments, as well as banknote or coin acceptors.

The Government will also modify the methodological norms for the application of the Emergency Ordinance no. 64/2007 on public debt, in the sense that the Ministry of Finance, as the sole administrator of government public debt, can issue government securities on specific international markets, for example Samurai bonds issued on the Japanese market or issues for financing projects/expenditures which are intended to protect the environment and combat climate change, as well as those in the social and sustainable development fields.

Another draft decision on the agenda refers to the modification of the “Medium Term Notes” government securities framework program so that the value of the program increases from 56 to 62 billion euros.

The government also has on its agenda the approval of the Nomenclature of fields and specializations/university study programs and the structure of higher education institutions for the academic year 2023 – 2024. According to the project, new university specializations will be established, which lead to obtaining the skills required by the market workforce, including Metal Materials Engineering, Intelligence Operations, Food Chemistry, Calculation of Mechanical Structures.

At the same time, the Executive will approve the fields and accredited master’s degree programs and the maximum number of students that can be enrolled in the 2023-2024 academic year.

Other decision projects on the Government’s agenda refer to the declaration of the investment project “Timişoara – Deta – Denta – Moraviţa natural gas transport pipeline” as a project of national importance in the field of natural gas, as well as to the approval of the list of agricultural lands located in the suburbs that are the object of the project of common interest in the field of natural gas “The Black Sea-Podisor Pipeline (RO) for taking over gas from the Black Sea”.

The executive is also considering the approval of the technical-economic indicators of the investment objective “Terminal development, control tower and parking at Mihail Kogălniceanu International Airport – Constanta”, of the 2023 revenue and expenditure budget of the National Company “Aeroporturi Bucharest” – SA , as well as of the National Salt Company SA

The Government also has on its agenda the analysis of two draft decisions aimed at allocating an amount from the Budgetary Reserve Fund at the disposal of the Government for food and accommodation expenses of foreign citizens or stateless persons in special situations, coming from the area of ​​the armed conflict in Ukraine, as well as establishing the amount, the conditions and the mechanism of granting support and humanitarian assistance by the Romanian state to these citizens.

The executive is also analyzing the amendment and completion of Law no. 137/2002 regarding some measures to accelerate privatization.

#Granting #emergency #support #agricultural #producers #grain #sector #agenda #meeting

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