Great Britain: A member of parliament who compared vaccines to the holocaust was expelled

by time news

removed from office. British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen (Photo: Rupert Rivet/Shutterstock)

Anger in Britain: Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen was dismissed today (Wednesday) from his position as representative of the Conservative Party, after he compared the Corona vaccines to the Holocaust. The ruling party also clarified that an official investigation will be opened against Brijan.

The incident occurred when Bridgen, who is known as an ardent vaccine opponent, shared on Twitter a link to an article about the side effects of the corona vaccines. In a tweet, Bridgen wrote: “As a cardiologist told me, this is the greatest crime against humanity since the Holocaust.”

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As expected, Bridgen’s words caused a widespread uproar in Britain, and soon after the coalition chairman Simon Hart announced his removal from Parliament. “Andrew Bridgen crossed a red line, and caused deep damage at the same time,” said Hart. “As a nation we should be concerned about what That said about our vaccination program. The vaccine is the best protection we have against the corona virus, and false information about vaccines causes a lot of damage and increases in human life. Therefore, I am removing Andrew Bridgen with immediate effect.”

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak also condemned Bridgen’s remarks. “It is completely unacceptable to link corona vaccines to the holocaust and to use such language,” he clarified. “I am determined to erase anti-Semitism, it has no place in our society. I know that the last few years have been particularly challenging for the Jewish community, and I do not want them to experience something similar again.”

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