Great moment of emotion at the FAAPA Grand Prix presentation

by times news cr

2024-07-29 12:10:29

Visibly moved and with a lump in his throat from the recognition of his African colleagues, this reporter-photographer from the Congolese Press Agency (ACP) gave an overview of the conditions of his work and the risks incurred every day while covering the news in North Kivu, a region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) undermined by armed conflicts.

A testimony that earned him a standing ovation from all the participants, many of whom could not hold back their tears.

Speaking, Bienvenu-Marie Bakumanya Bakwala, Director General of the ACP, where Blaise works, recalled how he had found and recruited the young photojournalist after noticing his professional qualities and his unfailing perseverance. In his eyes, he was a major asset to the agency’s photography department, something that was confirmed by the winner’s photos that went around the world.

The President of FAAPA and Director General of the Maghreb Arab Press Agency (MAP), Fouad Arif, who chaired the award ceremony, warmly congratulated the Congolese winner as well as all the journalists rewarded for the quality of their works which illustrate not only the relevance of the subjects covered and the talent of their authors, but also the sacrifices made and the difficulties overcome to achieve them.

The work of the 7th General Assembly of the Atlantic Federation of African Press Agencies, held under the theme “African information: a major sovereignty issue”, ended on Tuesday in Salé, with the presentation of the Federation’s Grand Prize for the 2022 and 2023 editions.

2024-07-29 12:10:29

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