Great success on Tiszasziget, SZVSE lost after 18 games won – PHOTOS

by time news

2024-03-10 10:23:35

Vármegyei I. class, 20th round

Hódmezővásárhelyi FC II.–Szentesi Kinizsi 2–1 (2-0)
Hódmezővásárhely, 50 spectators. Led by: Márk Burzon – well (Vida, D. Kiss).
HFC II.: Hegyes – Vass, Czékus (Balázs, 92), Bencze, Orovecz (Barna, 72), Rabecz, Buzás, Karácsonyi (Pálinkás, 65), Török (Telek, 83), Vastag, Kis D. (Patkós, 78.). Coach: István Vinnai.
Kinizsi Szentesi: Kotvics-Varga – Rostás, Illés (Mihály, in the break), Sarusi (Szőke, 77), Locskai, Péter, Rácz D., Koncz (Bertók, 82), Piti (Bíró, 82), Becsek, Berkó ( Bartucz B., 77.). Coach: Robert Sallai.
Scorers: Kis D. (34), Orovecz (45), or Bertók (87.).
Goods: Vass, Vastag, Kis D., Bencze, or nobody.
István Vinnai: – I think we won a well-deserved victory in a well-paced match.
Robert Sallai: “Who will finally score?”

M-Perfect Home-Algyő–SZVSE-G-Falc Kft. 2–1 (0-1)
Algyő, 150 spectators. Led by: Gábor Tihanyi – well (Csöngető, Gera).
Algyo: G. Szabó – Rádi, Vastag, R. Kiss, Bozóki (Bogdán, 54), M. Kovács (Deák, 54), Patai (Buchholcz, 69), Dudás, Á. Csányi, Pócs (Semjényi, 88. ), Silk (Kardos, 91). Coach: Tibor Philip.
SZVSE: Seres – Kormányos, Pócs, Csamangó, Rádai, Beretka, Albert (Fodor, 77), Mezei, Ábrahám-Fúrús (Amariutei, 62), Lévai, Papp Á. (Baji, 77). Coach: Balázs Kelemen.
Scorers: Silk (62, 74), or Governor (10th).
Goods: everyone, or Beretka, Lévai, Pócs, Mezei, Albert.
Tibor Philip: – This is a huge victory for us, the guys worked hard! It shows the strength of the team that they were able to win such a match, the guys can only be praised!
Balázs Kelemen: – I’ve been through a sensational streak, and I think we don’t have to be ashamed today either, we had a lot of opportunities. Soccer has it, we’ve learned it, but regardless, it’s never a good feeling. We have to develop from the defeat, I congratulate Algyó on the victory!

Makó–FK 1899 Szeged-SZEOL 3–1 (1-1)
Makó, 150 spectators. Conducted by: Márk Burzon – well (dr. Tapodi, Kasnyik).
Mako: Bohák N. – Molnár D., Vas, Kardos, Frank (Pepó, 80), Rakity (Béres, 73), Czebe (Beke, in the break), Borbély (Megyesi, 66), Dancsó (László, 73). ), Pataki, Bohák D. Coach: Róbert stumbles.
FK Szeged: Kőrösi – Tóth G., Oláh (Giba, 55.), Indre, Mucsi (Kozma, 78.), Hegyesi P., Hegyesi B., Varga V., Tóth Á. (Szélpál, 66.), Magyar, Tóth A. Coach: John Dora.
Scorers: Barber (14th), Rakity (48th), Vas (75th), or P. Hegyesi (22.).
Goods: Pataki, Rakity, Bohák D., Kardos, or Magyar, Hegyesi P.
Róbert stumbles: – I congratulate my team, they got the obligatory victory against a sporty, well-played FK.
Dora János: “There’s a saying, sometimes up, sometimes down.” When up?

Tiszasziget–Kéménygyártó-Mórahalom VSE 0–2 (0-1)
Tiszasziget, 100 spectators. Led by Rabbi József Zsolt – well (Borbényi, Marton).
Tisza Island: Bohata – Papp Á., Nagy A. (Buzsáki, 78), Skribek B. (Tóth I., 86), Bánfi, Drágity (Varga Z., 61), Bálint, Skribek Á., Baka (Szabó D ., 85.), Dancsok, Tóth J. Coach: Tamás Bány.
Peat heap: Weszelovszky – Vajda, Róka, Ábrahám, Pető, Mészáros, Heidrich (Rádóczi Dáv., 70), Pióker (Holcsik, 57), Dobronoky (Tajthy, 75), Bokányi (Csizmadia, 60), Szalma (Hatvani, 78.). Coach: Cardboard Change.
Scorers: Bokányi (27th), Dobronoky (67th)
Goods: Skribek Á., or everybody.
Tamás Bány: “The world didn’t collapse.” We played poorly today, Mórahalom deserved their victory, I congratulate them!
Cardboard Change: – From the first minute, we got into the match worthy of a rally. We got to real situations, Tiszasziget was dangerous from spot kicks. We won a well-deserved victory, many more successes to Tiszasziget!

DB Futball Bordány SK–Ásotthalam 0–2 (0-0)
Bordány, 150 spectators. Led by: Dávid Kiss – well (Szeles, Priest).
Bordány: Arnold – Arany (Dán Rádóczi, in the break), Márki, Meszes (K. Kovács, in the break), P. Kovács (Krizs, 70), Visnyei, Pióker (M. Rácz, 65), T. Kiss ( Dancer, 70.), Little L., Dragon, Carver-Friend. Coach: Ricšárd Torma Nagy.
Excavated mound: Mityók – Malatinszki D., Savanya, Góra (Vetstein, 63), Kothencz L. (Zsótér I., 92), Szilágyi (Víg, 76), Dobák, Király, Kothencz G., Sándor, Hevesi (Kukli, 83.). Coach: Tibor Hevesi.
Scorer: Szilágyi (50, 72).
Goods: nobody, or Szilágyi, Kothencz G.
Ricšárd Torma Nagy: “Until we can score, there is nothing to talk about.”
Tibor Hevesi: – Last week’s success gave us strength, with our disciplined game we defeated the home team with two Szilágyi goals. The match could have turned out differently.

Balástya–Kiskundorzsma 0–1 (0-1)
Balástya, 100 viewers. Led by: Márkó Kiss – medium (Halász, Minda).
Balash: Mészáros – Sári, Bitó M., Szobácsi (Fekete Á., 77), Szádeczky (Tóth P., 62), Mágocsi (Bagi, in the break), Szántó, Márkus, Vörös (Horváth Cs., 66), Bárkányi, Vámos T. Player-coach: Zalán Szádeczky.
Small lichen planus: Fábián – Á. Varga, K. Molnár, Bodonji, Veszelka, Márk Ottlik, Máté Ottlik, Fülöp, Lóki, Bozsó, Kis B. (Kalapács, 83.). Coach: Sándor Ottlik.
Scorer: Máté Ottlik (14.).
Goods: nobody, or Bozsó, Bodonji.
Zalán Szádeczky: – In a competitive match, Kiskundorozsma was able to score the one goal that decided the match. We competed with our opponent, we fought a lot today. We continue to work so that the table shows how much we work from week to week. Congratulations to Dorozsma!
Sándor Ottlik: – My high stimulus threshold was exceeded by the “toughness” of the Balástia team. It’s God’s luck that we escaped this match without serious injury. We made a mistake in that we should have closed the match in the first half.

The program of the 21st round
Friday, 6 p.m.: Hódmezővásárhely FC II.–Makó. Saturday, 3 p.m.: Szentesi Kinizsi–SZVSE-G-Falc Kft., Kiskundorozsma–DB Futball Bordány SK, Kéménygyártó-Mórahalom VSE–Balástya, FK 1899 Szeged-SZEOL–Tiszasziget. Sunday, 3 p.m.: Ásotthalom–M-Perfect-Home Algyő.

The standings of the county class I:

1. SZVSE 20 18 0 2 81 – 24 54
2. Algyő 20 12 4 4 45 – 20 40
3. Peat heap 20 12 3 5 45 – 21 39
4. Dogfish 20 12 3 5 36 – 20 39
5. Tiszasziget 20 10 7 3 46 – 21 37
6. Makó 20 9 4 7 42 – 45 31
7. Crossbow 20 7 2 11 32 – 49 23
8. Szentes 20 5 4 11 37 – 51 19
9. Bordány 20 5 3 12 29 – 53 18
10. HFC II. 20 5 1 14 29 – 53 16
11. Excavated mound 20 4 4 12 21 – 44 16
12. FK Szeged 20 3 1 16 21 – 63 10

#Great #success #Tiszasziget #SZVSE #lost #games #won #PHOTOS

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