Great White Shark: First photo of baby shark released

by time news

Although we humans already know our earth very well, we continue to discover things that we have never seen before. Now it was that time again. This new discovery is about Great white sharks. The great white shark itself is not news. This animal has been known to people for a long time. And sharks like this have often been photographed.

But: A baby shark like this has never been seen before! So no one really knew what the offspring of this shark species looked like. But now that has changed! In summer there is one Nature filmmaker came across such a baby at work. And he was able to capture the sight of the little one in pictures!

That’s why there is now for the first time a photo of a baby great white shark. You can see what the animal looks like as a cub in this photo:

Great white shark, white body

What is noticeable is that although the baby already looks similar to the adult, there are differences. And not just what the size concerns. For example, in an adult great white shark only the stomach really knows – you can also see that in the photo above. But the babies are white all over the body. Researchers now want to find out more about the young animals. These pictures could help you.

More knowledge about sharks

The great white shark is just one of many different shark species. In total there are over 400 species of sharks. Several of them are threatened with extinction. Only twelve of the approximately 400 shark species are also dangerous to humans. Most sharks feed on Fish or plankton.

The right nose

Sharks are best known for their Triangular fins and their huge mouth. But would you have known that? Sharks are pretty good sniffers. Her The sense of smell is 10,000 times better than that of us humans. Sharks also have a lot of bite: their teeth are triangular in shape. Sharks grow three rows of teeth in a row. If you lose a tooth, it will grow back.

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