Greece and Turkey, exchange of accusations for 92 naked migrants at the border –

by time news
from Monica Ricci Sargentini

The group was found by the Hellenic police on the banks of the Evros River. The UN has asked for an investigation to be opened. Athens involves the EU commission: Inhuman acts from Ankara

Ninety-two naked men, some with clear signs of beatings and torture, were found on October 14 on the Greek bank of the Evros River which marks the border with Turkey. The Greek police spotted them and rescued them with the collaboration of Frontex. The group consisted of 61 Afghan citizens, 3 Iranians, 4 Moroccans, 3 Bangladeshi and 5 Pakistani citizens, including 6 children. The fact was revealed by the Greek Minister for Immigration, Notis Mitarachis, who posted on Twitter a photo of migrants walking in single file, the head down and the hands to cover the genital organs. For this shameful episode in Evros – he wrote – Turkey is in a difficult position. I asked to see the President of the United Nations General Assembly to bring the case to him and I have already informed the European Commission of the matter.

According to the Greek authorities, the 92 migrants testified that they were taken to the border by three trucks of the Turkish border guard. Ankara, in turn, denies any involvement in the affair and accuses Greece of systematically violating the human rights of asylum seekers with the collaboration of Frontex. Greece has once again shown the world that it does not respect the dignity of refugees by publishing photographs of these oppressed people it has deported after extorting what they owned from them, said the communications directorate of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Speaking of defamation, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, in a press conference in Istanbul, defined Irresponsible and shameless Athens.

The exchange of accusations comes at a time of high tension between the two countries. Among the reasons for the dispute the Greek islands in the Aegean Sea which for Ankara have been militarized in violation of international treaties.

Meanwhile, UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, has called for an investigation to be opened and has defined the deeply shocking images and unclear circumstances.

October 17, 2022 (change October 17, 2022 | 18:26)

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