Green deputy Julien Bayou considers himself “cleared” of accusations of psychological violence

by time news

The former national secretary of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) Julien Bayou, who had been implicated for psychological violence on a former companion, declared Wednesday February 15 on BFM-TV and RMC wanting ” turn the page “ and fully resume his work as a deputy. He felt he was now “whitewash” et “innocent”.

Read also: Julien Bayou accused of psychological violence by his ex-girlfriend: understanding four months of crisis at EELV

The Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) cell dedicated to gender-based and sexual violence (CVSS), which self-seized in July 2022 after receiving an email from Mr. Bayou’s former companion, decided on 1is February of “close the file” concerning him, not being able “complete its investigation”. In effect, “ the initial audition [de son ex-compagne]starting point of the investigation, could not take place », et “no one else entered the cell about Julien Bayou”she said.

The MP for Paris lamented accusations “ very vague, accusations that [lui] have not been presented » : « Finally at the end of a – let’s call it an investigation – there is no testimony, no complaint, no daybook, no report, no alleged wrongdoing, no fact at all, for that matter “.

No resumption of his position as group co-chairman

Not all his colleagues share the same analysis. In particular, the Green MP Sandrine Rousseau, who had relayed the accusations on a television set, refused last week to say that he was innocent, because there is no “no investigation”according to her.

Mr. Bayou thought to himself ” very surprised “. For him, “We are not in the United States, there is no presumed culprit. We are in France, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty (…). And once you are no longer implicated you are innocent”. But the deputy “No (…) ask nothing at all”. “I want to turn the page”he continued.

Mr. Bayou was authorized to resume his normal activities as a deputy within the environmental group from February 7, after having been in withdrawal for several months. In particular, he no longer had to speak in the media on behalf of the group or ensure general discussions in the hemicycle.

However, he made it known that he did not wish to resume his post as co-president of the environmental group in the Assembly, the presidency being held exclusively by Cyrielle Chatelain since September 2022. “I aspire to focus on where I can be useful, the battle against pension reform”et “the fight against climate change”, specified Mr. Bayou, who also wishes “to work on a single candidacy of the left and environmentalists” in the presidential election of 2027.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers La Nupes wants to turn the page on the Quatennens and Bayou affairs

The World with AFP

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