Green elected officials defend a “gentle revolution”

by time news

2023-09-27 08:00:00

«OHe didn’t make the revolution.”explains the vice-president of the metropolis responsible for tourism, Hélène Duvivier Dromain, who advocates a method “gentle and progressive, involving professionals”. “There is no innovation, no desire to create attractiveness, tackles the deputy (LR) Alexandre Vincendet. Gérard Collomb’s genius was to say that Lyon had to play in the big leagues. Today, I do not feel the love of the territory, the desire to promote it. But it’s normal, their ideology is rather degrowth. » The ecologists assure that they do not want to close any doors. “We are for responsible tourism, these are additional leisure activities for the Lyonnais and jobs that cannot be relocated”, notes Hélène Duvivier Dromain. “We want to welcome more and better”, summarizes the president of the metropolis, Bruno Bernard. That is to say, tourists who stay longer.

This involves the development of eco-labels, “water bottle friendly” businesses, the creation of swimming areas on the Rhône and the Saône by 2025 and communication focused on national and local tourism. “The first tourists are the Grand-Lyonnais”, defends Hélène Duvivier Dromain. The Only Lyon brand continues to be used, but has been added Lyon style, a site and magazine offering activities to both foreign tourists and locals. On the international communication side, “we are first targeting destinations accessible by train, such as Barcelona or Brussels”, specifies the vice-president. Which does not prevent him from rejoicing to see “American customers come back”.

Bivouac stop. Reassured by the continuity of the teams, professionals in the sector are less on edge. Thierry Fontaine, president of the Rhône Hotel Trades and Industries Union, who complained at the start of his mandate about insecurity and would have preferred that Grégory Doucet not give his opinion on foie gras, judges that “the situation has improved”. He appreciates “listening quality” of the mayor’s teams and the three month extension granted to the terraces in exchange for an earlier closure at the start of the week. If he judges the president of the metropolis “much more closed to discussion”particularly on mobility, he believes that overall, “on tourism, the results are rather very positive”.

A declared political priority, cycle tourism is only in its infancy. “Many cyclists avoid Lyon. Or cross the city without stopping”, notes Hélène Duvivier Dromain, judging that there is a lack of a suitable campsite. While the one in Saint-Genis-Laval will close, a call for tenders will be launched to open another on the ViaRhôna, near the Miribel-Jonage park. In the meantime, a bivouac stop will be open there from next year “to channel wild camping and provide sanitary facilities”.

Business customers. Hélène Duvivier Dromain is optimistic: “Hotels with the “Accueil Vélo” label are happy. This brings them customers. » Sandrine Jouot, from Mama Shelter, certified before the summer, puts things into perspective: “We had a few customers from Belgium and Marseille by bike. » However, she says to herself “very satisfied” support from the metropolis, which provided repair kits and guides.

Even the riots and the summer heatwave did not make the professionals lose their smile. The occupancy rate fell by 2.2% compared to July-August 2022, but Lyon has never been a major summer destination. Hotels and restaurants focus more on business customers throughout the rest of the year. In this regard, the year 2023, with the Rugby World Cup, could break all records.

#Green #elected #officials #defend #gentle #revolution

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