Green, Hairy Tongue: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment | HomeWorld

by time news

2023-07-19 12:11:58
Title: Man Develops Green and Hairy Tongue After Taking Antibiotics: Is Smoking to Blame?

Publication: HomeWorld
Author: Ulrike Hanninger
Date: 07/19/2023, 12:11 p.m

Columbus – In a shocking development, a 64-year-old man from Ohio, USA, discovered that his tongue had turned green and become covered in hair after taking antibiotics. Speculations arose about whether this could be a side effect of smoking.

According to a report published in The New England Journal of Medicine, the man had been prescribed antibiotics to treat gingivitis. However, prior to the unusual transformation of his tongue, he had taken the medication. The report emphasizes the importance of correctly storing medications during summer and protecting them from heat.

The diagnosis for the man’s condition was “hairy tongue,” which doctors explain as an abnormal covering of skin cells. The tongue has thread-like elevations called papillae filiformes that can, in rare cases, change and enlarge. This phenomenon is not considered a chronic disease.

The main cause of a discolored and hairy tongue is poor oral hygiene. Deposits of bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens can accumulate on the tongue, and taking antibiotics can promote their development by altering the oral cavity’s environment. Therefore, it is possible for affected individuals to grow hair on their tongues, and the muscle itself can turn pink, white, brown, or green. While there are generally no other symptoms, some patients may experience a burning sensation or loss of taste.

It’s important to note that while smoking and antibiotics may not directly cause this extreme change in the tongue, the combination can exacerbate the effects, especially when hygiene is lacking. The condition predominantly affects adults over 40, with men being more commonly affected than women. Dehydration, which is often experienced during hot weather, can also be a triggering factor.

Treatment for tongue coating usually involves brushing the tongue with a soft-bristled toothbrush four times a day. Urgently giving up smoking is recommended for smokers, not only due to its potential contribution to tongue discoloration but also for overall health improvement.

In addition to regular brushing, the use of dental floss, mouthwash, and potentially a tongue scraper can assist in removing bacteria and maintaining oral hygiene. Consistent dental care is vital to prevent and avoid occurrences of hairy tongue.

While the transformation of a tongue into a green, hairy appearance may be alarming, understanding the underlying causes and implementing proper oral hygiene practices can help resolve the condition and prevent its recurrence.]
#smoking #antibiotics #Man #complains #green #hairy #tongue

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