Green pass, green light for an extension to 12 months from the Cts. School, over 90% of staff vaccinated

by time news

The validity of the Green pass: the expected favorable opinion of the Technical Scientific Committee (Cts), which aligns the expiration date of the ‘health passport’ with data on the resistance of anticorpi al coronavirus Sars-CoV-2.

A good breath of fresh air: from the logistical point of view, the longer life of the pass allows you to organize the journey to the third dose, which now seems certain for healthcare professionals and gradually for the most fragile categories.

Green pass, green light for an extension from 9 to 12 months

“We have data that tell us that immunity in those who are vaccinated reaches at least 12 months, which means that the vast majority of Italians and health professionals will do an annual booster dose, and therefore it is likely to think that it is right to extend the Green passed a year “, the infectious disease specialist of the Policlinico San Martino in Genoa pointed out, Matteo Bassetti. “But it must be done immediately because otherwise – explained the doctor – there are some who were vaccinated in December and should receive a dose between September and October”. Now the extension avoids this gap.

Who will have priority for the third dose? “The doctors should be the first and I use the conditional – answers the CTS immunologist Sergio Abrignani -. Together with the frail, patients with immune system deficiency or chemotherapy. Then we will move on to over 60 ″. But we talk about it “at the end of the year or at the beginning of the next”.

School, over 90% of school and university staff vaccinated against Covid

Meanwhile, the race continues vaccine in view of the reopening of schools in September. More than 90% of school and university staff received at least one dose or the single dose.

Final rush with sprint for the boys. Over 40% between the ages of 12-15 have been immunized, while the percentage increases to 67% in the 16-19 age group.

But the increases in the administration of boosters are also recorded for the high age groups: those between 50-59 years old is about 80% in terms of first administrations / single dose, while the 60-69 range has exceeded 85% . The percentages of the 70-79 and over 80 groups also consolidated, reaching 90.19 and 94.06% respectively, again referring to first administrations / single dose.

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