Green pass Italy 9 months and third dose now, plan against infections

by time news

Validity of the Green pass Italy which would go from 12 to 9 months and administration of the third dose of anti covid vaccine to over 40s to be started immediately. And again: the ‘booster’ dose could soon become mandatory for healthcare personnel. Against the surge in coronavirus infections,
and while the regions push for a ‘double track’ on no vax
, the government prepares its plan to fight new infections in an attempt to avoid – contrary to several European countries – even new lockdowns. If on the third dose for those over 40 the announcement arrived late yesterday evening, the Council of Ministers would instead be preparing as early as next week to adopt the new rules for green certification, anticipating the expiration after the last administration.

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A ‘scissoring’ for the duration of the Green pass from 12 to 9 months and the obligation to undergo the third dose for healthcare personnel. For now, the only certainty is that the government will adopt these two measures to counter the increase in infections – by speeding up vaccinations – in a Council of Ministers to be held next week.

Yesterday the issue, government sources assure, was not dealt with in the CDM which adopted the implementing decree on the single allowance for children, but next week the dossier will arrive on the table of the Council of Ministers. It is not yet decided whether it will be accompanied by other anti-Covid measures, as requested by the governors with some regions pressing for a ‘strengthened’ Green pass against no vax.


Third dose of vaccine for over 40s, administered as early as November 22 in Italy. Yesterday evening the announcement of the extraordinary commissioner for the Coronavirus emergency, Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, in a circular sent to the Regions and Autonomous Provinces. The regions will therefore be able to anticipate the Covid vaccine for those in the 40 to 59 age range, it says, “as long as at least six months have passed since the completion of the primary vaccination cycle”.

The provision was adopted yesterday for the third dose of the Covid vaccine, the circular reads, ” in light of the evolution of the epidemiological picture in recent weeks with the progressive increase in the weekly incidence of new cases and the growth of infections, considering that the current evidence shows an initial decline in the level of efficacy of vaccines against symptomatic forms approximately six months after vaccination, while maintaining a high protective capacity against severe forms of disease, taking into account the current wide availability of vaccines and the high administration capacity of the vaccination points currently operating, after consulting the Ministry of Health, without prejudice to the established priorities ”.

The decision, concludes the circular, was taken to “accelerate the booster campaign to maintain high individual protection” in people already vaccinated with the primary cycle and “reduce the transmission of Sars-Cov2 as much as possible in the population”.

“The contagion curve rises in our country and, even more so, in the European countries close to Italy”, commented Health Minister Roberto Speranza. “The vaccine is the main tool to reduce the spread of the virus and severe forms of disease. It is therefore right, therefore, to bring forward the vaccination campaign for the 40-59 age group to November 22”.

On the ‘booster’ dose, “the Minister of Health Speranza has announced that he is preparing a provision for the obligation of the third dose for health professionals, which I presume should start on December 1st”. Thus at Salute the president of the National Federation of Orders of Surgeons and Dentists (Fnomceo), Filippo Anelli, had anticipated the news. “Our opinion was that vaccination is the tool that made us reduce infections – adds Anelli – and therefore we can only agree”.

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