Green tax credit, car bonus…. What to remember from the “green industry” law presented by Macron

by time news

2023-05-11 17:41:15

The “mother of battles” to turn the page of the “mother of all reforms”: Emmanuel Macron reinvested this Thursday in the economic field by unveiling his strategy to “accelerate” the “reindustrialization” of France in the hope of making finally forget about the pension crisis. In front of players from French industry at the Elysée, the president drew the main lines of the “green industry” bill expected on Tuesday in the Council of Ministers.

A tax credit and a greener car bonus

“Reindustrializing is the only way to give jobs everywhere in the country. It is an economic, political, geopolitical and territorial battle. This battle, we can win it, ”promised the Head of State before presenting the key measures of his project.

The most emblematic measure of his bill: the establishment of a “green industry tax credit”. This credit should concern batteries, heat pumps, solar panels or even wind turbines with the objective of “unlocking 20 billion in investments in all territories by 2030”.

In the process, the president also announced that the ecological bonus for the purchase of an electric car will be reformed to “take into account the carbon footprint” of their production and thus favor vehicles manufactured in Europe. He also said that public orders would take into account environmental criteria “for key decarbonization products” such as wind turbines and heat pumps from July 2024 instead of 2026.

Better training for the “jobs of the future”

Emmanuel Macron announced the investment of 700 million euros to improve training for “future professions”, by “changing the training map at all levels of diplomas”. 15,000 new places in the industry profession will be opened from the start of the 2023 academic year in higher education, “with training adapted to needs, in professions under pressure, closer to the territories”.

The Head of State linked these 700 million euros of investment with the reform of the vocational high school. “You have to better redirect young people, for example, by informing them from the 5th year with the learning day. The industry needs skills. We will have hundreds of thousands of jobs which will appear in the reindustrialisation”, predicted the president in front of the actors of the industry.

Reduction of delays and “oversimplified procedures”

Third plan for reindustrialisation: reduction of industrial set-up times. Emmanuel Macron wants to set up “a 9-month guarantee”, halving the time required to obtain permits. “We need to enter into a new logic. We must speed up the industrial establishments. It is a key element of competitiveness, ”said the tenant of the Élysée. In an interview for Challenges on Wednesday, he had promised “oversimplified procedures” to “halve the time” for a new industrial establishment in France. “The key is simplicity and speed,” he pleaded.

The president also put forward “a new strategy on available industrial land”. “We are going to build France 2030 sites and wastelands. The idea is to revitalize them as quickly as possible even before having a project”, detailed the Head of State who mentioned an envelope of one billion euros invested with the regional bank.

More announcements by Monday

With all this bill, “French industry in 2030 will be decarbonized” indicated the President of the Republic, supporting “a policy of consistency” since his arrival at the head of state.

The objective, according to the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, is to show that the government is putting the means in front of the United States and China, which “massively support” their industry and “protect” their market. France wants “to be the first nation in Europe” to do “the same”, he said in an interview with La Tribune published on Thursday.

This is the start of a long sequence which will be illustrated with a trip to Dunkirk on Friday and the “Choose France” summit on Monday. The Head of State must go to the North to visit the Aluminum Dunkirk factory, “the largest producer of primary aluminum in Europe”, according to the Elysée. The northern port is erected by the presidency in “territory symbol of the industrial reconquest”.

It must also “formalize new investments”, including the establishment by the Taiwanese group ProLogium of a fourth factory of batteries for electric vehicles in France, for entry into production from the end of 2026. This investment is part of the announcements expected Monday at the sixth edition of the “Choose France” summit organized at the Palace of Versailles. This annual meeting launched by Emmanuel Macron in 2018 aims to attract foreign investment to the country.

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