Greener hospitals, ‘Tree for health’ planted in 30 facilities

by time news

2023-10-04 13:09:00

Italian hospitals are greener thanks to the ‘A tree for health’ initiative which involves the donation and planting of young trees in Italian hospitals: starting with 30 structures of young trees by the Carabinieri of Biodiversity. Today in Rome at the Isola Tiberina-Gemelli Isola hospital in Rome, thanks to the Scientific Society of Internal Medicine (Fadoi) and the Carabinieri, a pomegranate was planted by the Minister of Health Orazio Schillaci and General Teo Luzi, general commander of the Carabinieri .

“I welcomed with great pleasure the invitation to participate in the inauguration of this project which demonstrates how much awareness is growing that in the healthcare sector there is no alternative to the One Health approach – said Schillaci in his speech -. The idea of a single health, of the indissoluble link between human health, animal health and ecosystem, has remote origins, although it was the epidemics of the 2000s, in particular the latest one, that gave strength to this approach, which has become a priority of the United Nations in 2008. A priority to which today we are listening and following thanks also to an important and significant initiative such as that of Fatebenefratelli. I believe – he continued – that the planting of young trees which starts today from this important Roman hospital and which will involve 30 hospitals throughout the national territory, contribute to strengthening the message of a health service that is ready to respond to present and future challenges”.

“This is an initiative that has many social messages – underlined General Luzi – which are summarized in the centrality of the citizen. The environment and health are closely connected and good environmental quality promotes quality health. Another aspect is to do system, Italians expect a service that is not provided individually but by bringing together many public and private entities”.

Each plant can be geolocalized by photographing a special tag and it will be possible to follow its growth on a website, also appreciating the carbon dioxide (CO2) saving. The overall duration of the project will be 3 years. “Italy – General Luzi specified – is a great country from a health point of view even if we sometimes speak badly of it. We dedicate a good portion of the budget to this and a good environment also saves in terms of resources for healthcare.”

“Like Fadoi – explains President Francesco Dentali – we have in our Statute among the Institutional aims that of the improvement and definition of care paths and health education initiatives. Health education does not only have a communicative and informative purpose but consists in intervene early on behaviors, habits, actions regarding the social, economic and environmental conditions that have an impact on the health of the individual and the community. And it is precisely from this perspective, like Fadoi, that we believe it is essential to develop greater awareness of the holistic ‘One Health’ approach ‘according to which the health of people and the health of the ecosystem are inextricably linked and influence each other. It is precisely from these bases that the ‘A Tree for Health’ project was born which we will happily carry forward together with the Carabinieri Biodiversity Group” .

“Climate changes, global warming, the loss of biodiversity, antibiotic resistance and air pollution, which represents the main environmental risk factor for health, confirm the need to look to the future with a ‘One Health’ vision ‘, implementing an integrated, inclusive and multidisciplinary approach to protect the health of ecosystems and all living beings. The idea of ​​the project goes precisely in this direction and has the aim of creating a widespread forest in front of Italian hospitals”, underlines the president of the Fadoi Foundation, Dario Manfellotto.

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