Greenery, games, homework: what a truly “child-friendly” hospital should look like

by time news

It should always be like this, but when the patient is a child it becomes even more indispensable: treating a person does not mean only treating his illness, but above all “taking care of him” all-round thanks to the attention, listening, understanding of his needs. A challenge that also passes by “human” hospitals such as those told in the book «The pediatric hospital: a welcoming community» (Ed. La Nave di Teseo) edited by Paolo Felli and Maria Chiara Torricelli: places where «one is equal, the obstacles to inequality are removed, one has the right to school, to access all cultural forms, to enjoy the environment and greeneryone has the right to feel good and ultimately one has the right, especially if we are children, to happiness», as he observes Alberto Zanobini, president of the Italian Pediatric Hospitals Association (Aopi) and author of the preface to the volume.

The hospital therefore shouldn’t be an aseptic place where you can only find medical answers, but above all a place of welcome for the child and his family where everything is designed to take care of and respect their needsfrom space planning to personnel management, up to the organization of activities such as pet therapy, clown therapy or music therapy.

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