Greens continue to oppose the share pension

by time news

2023-08-08 04:00:00

Frank Bsirske

The Greens politician and ex-Verdi boss continues to sharply criticize the share pension plans.

(Foto: IMAGO/Panama Pictures)

Berlin The coalition parties SPD, Greens and FDP are at odds in their stance on the government’s planned increase in stock pensions. While the Social Democrats and Liberals express their approval, the Greens are critical.

“Once apart from serious legal concerns about the planned construction, which is in no way covered by the coalition agreement, the plans to build up a share pension with fantastic returns calculate far beyond reality,” says the spokesman for labor and social affairs of the Greens parliamentary group, Frank Bsirske. The former Verdi boss emphasized that this applies all the more since the federal government first has to earn the interest on the loans that it takes out on the capital market.

In contrast, the Social Democrats seem to have made their peace with the plans. Generational capital was not exactly what his party wanted, emphasizes Martin Rosemann, spokesman for the labor market and social policy for the SPD parliamentary group.

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