Greg Hunter’s ‘’ on upcoming US election – VP News – ‘no talk’

by time news

2023-06-28 23:16:29

From Greg Hunter’s on the upcoming US election:

Legendary financial cycle and geopolitical analyst Martin Armstrong predicted “chaos” in 2023, and that’s exactly what we got. His period work says don’t look for it to heal soon.

Armstrong spiega: “We are in the midst of a coup…”

We have all these people who have been neocons for 30 years. Even Ron Paul said recently that the neocons have been in war for 30 years and have not won a single one. This is what they live for. Watch clip Lindsey Graham says this is the best money we’ve ever spent killing Russians. How can you take pleasure in the statement that this is the best money we have ever spent on killing Russians. This is not defense. These are the words of a psychopath in mine mind . ..

They will not accept anyone who is against war. The neocons are in full control of the government, period. We live in the time of a coup. The United States is not the free country you thought it was…

Armstrong also predicts that the neocons will rig the 2024 election so that Biden (or some other neocon) gets a second term.

Is there a way to stop this vote rigging and fraud in 2024? Amstrong dice,

“I do not believe. Our computers show that holy hell will break loose by 2025. I think the problem will be that this time the cheating will be in everyone’s face .

Armstrong also says the neocons will try to start a war before the 2024 election, so Biden will win because a wartime president has never lost an election. Armstrong states that the cheating will be necessary because the real poll numbers for Biden are in the single digits and not the 40% approval ratings Lying Legacy Media tells you . Armstrong argues that Biden’s approval number is still stuck at 9.5% with his deadly accurate Socrates computer program, but the main reason Biden and his crew care is the real inflation number.

Armstrong says, “Inflation is coming down a bit, but in practice it’s still over 26%.”

Armstrong says Biden’s approval numbers are so low and inflation is so high that they have to go to war with Russia.

War is why they had to remove Trump from the White House because Trump was against constant warfare. Armstrong adds,

“In no way will they allow free elections. If you think the CIA can’t rig the vote, I don’t know what planet you live on.

Don’t expect Fed Chief Jay Powell to lower interest rates. It will be exactly the opposite. Armstrong explains,

What is Powell looking at? War is the number one cause of inflation. He can’t say why you people are dumping all this money in Ukraine, inflation will rise just because then he is criticizing the government. So, he just says he’s looking at “international considerations.”

See what the Vietnam War did. He broke his back at Bretton Woods. War is always the number one problem. The neocons only care about winning and don’t care about the country. They don’t care about your 401-k or your retirement. They could care less.

In closing, Armstrong warns: “Russia is like a wild animal, and if cornered, it will attack.”

This means that the whole thing in Ukraine could go nuclear if Russia is cornered. And what about all that debt the Western world has racked up? amstrong says,

They want to default on all sovereign debt. . . .I don’t see this happening. I think it will all collapse. The reason they do this is because they realize they are losing power. They feel it slipping through their fingers. The more it happens, the more aggressive they become. Here’s what it is.

There is much more to the 53 minute interview.


#Greg #Hunters #upcoming #election #News #talk

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