Grégoire de Fournas, deputy RN, taunted for “ethical breach” for having promoted his wine on Twitter

by time news
The deputy of the National Rally Gregoire de Fournas reacts in front of journalists following the suspension of the session caused by his racist remarks, in Paris, on November 3, 2022.

The ethics officer of the National Assembly pinned Grégoire de Fournas on Thursday November 17 for “ethical breach”after the elected member of the National Rally (RN) promoted his wine on his deputy Twitter account, we learned from a parliamentary source.

“Many people have contacted me to order wine”had written this winegrower by profession on Wednesday, mentioning a link to a website and thanking for the ” support ” received. The tweet has since been deleted.

The president of the Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, had seized on Wednesday evening the ethics officer of the institution, an independent authority. The latter judged that the deputy “promoted a private interest (the company of his parents of which he was an employee) as part of his function”the Twitter account used being the account he referenced on the Assembly website, according to the same parliamentary source.

The ethics officer, Christophe Pallez, wrote to Grégoire de Fournas to inform him of this breach and recommend that he “no longer use this account or any other support claiming to be a member of parliament for such activities”. If the recommendation was not followed, the office of the Assembly, its highest collegiate body, could be seized and impose a disciplinary penalty.

Exclusion after racist remarks

At the beginning of November, Mr. de Fournas was excluded from the Palais-Bourbon for a fortnight after his racist remarks – “let him return to Africa” – launched in the hemicycle during an intervention by Carlos Martens Bilongo (La France insoumise, LFI) and which had aroused a wave of indignation.

Read also: Session interrupted in the National Assembly after racist remarks by an RN deputy

The deputy for Gironde then denied any racist character, ensuring that he was talking about the humanitarian boat Ocean-Viking then stranded at sea with 234 migrants on board, and no Carlos Martens Bilongo, elected black from Val-d’Oise.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The fate of the humanitarian ship “Ocean-Viking”, with 234 migrants on board, causes tensions between France and Italy

Of the shortcomings members to the code of ethics are periodically observed. In 2017, Pascale Fontenel-Person (La République en Marche, now Renaissance), whose transport company offered a paid service including a visit to the Palais-Bourbon, had been sanctioned. François Ruffin (LFI) had been called to order in November 2017 for having broadcast a video on YouTube showing him in his office at the Assembly describing his weekly activity and inviting the viewer to buy his newspaper, Fakir.

The World with AFP

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