Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion Protest Against Oil Exhibition in Stavanger

by time news

Extinction Rebellion (XR) and Greta Thunberg are in Stavanger to protest against ONS, also known as the oil fair.

Greta Thunberg was one of the demonstrators, according to Stavanger Aftenblad.

– ONS is a large greenwashing festival for the fossil powers. Enormous sums of money have been used for decades to stop vital climate action, writes the activist group’s spokesperson Jonas Kittelsen in a press release.

– We urge politicians to act. At least make a plan for phasing out now, he continues.

XR Norway claimed that around 100 activists participated

Equinor’s CEO Anders Opedal gave a speech at 10 a.m., in front of young attendees at the ONS Young section. Two demonstrators managed to get onto the stage to scream some climate slogans until the PST intervened and kicked them out.

Greta Thunberg will protest at the oil fair ONS in Stavanger

Climate activists attempted to prevent the opening of ONS (Offshore Northern Seas), among other things by blocking all the roads. However, a large police presence physically removed the demonstrators.

Demonstrators blocked, among other things, the important Tjensvoll intersection, one of Stavanger’s main entry points.

– This affects traffic in the Tjensvoll area of Stavanger, where the energy fair is being held. We are in ongoing dialogue with the climate activists, and some of them have been instructed to move. We have already opened some roads, says operations manager John Laurits Ask at the police.

Ask states that traffic is being affected by what is happening. None of the activists have been arrested, only removed from the roadway.

– The police’s role is not to stop expressions, but here legal traffic is being disrupted, so the police intervene on the spot to ensure traffic is secured, says Ask.

XR and Thunberg were unable to prevent ONS from starting as usual at the scheduled time.

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Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion Protest Against Oil Exhibition in Stavanger

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