Greta Thunberg taken away by police in Germany during protests against the expansion of the coal mine –

by time news
Of Paul Foschi

The 20-year-old Swede attended the rally of activists in Lutzerath against the expansion of the coal mine. Over the weekend clashes between protesters and police

Greta Thunberg was abducted by German police while attending environmental protests in Lutzerath, IN Germaniaagainst the enlargement of the Garzweiler Coal Mine. German media released a video showing the Swedish twenty year old
weight lifted by two agents. According to local press reports, the police had ordered those present to leave, but Greta did not move. The local authorities then explained that the girl was not arrested, but she was only removed because she was sitting on a wall of the mine in a dangerous area.

Thunberg had joined the protest earlier in the week end. Then on Sunday she returned to the garrison, accompanied by dozens of activists and together they occupied one of the fields that the German energy giant Rwe intends to reclaim – it has already obtained the permits – to start mining 280 million tons of coal by 2030. The village of Lutzerath it was once inhabited by 2000 people, but now abandoned, becoming for a symbol of the fight of environmentalists against fossil fuels.

The tug of war between activists and the forces of order had been going on for days, the operation to clear the occupied areas had begun on Wednesday and there had already been the first violent clashes. The environmentalists tried to resist, hiding in areas inside the areas at the center of the dispute, only to return as soon as the police let their guard down. Over the weekend the protests drew attention other environmentalists, including precisely Greta Thunberg There are at least 35,000 people, activists announced on Saturday, a figure that is difficult to confirm. Instead, the police deployed riot squads and also a mounted unit. The tension was very high throughout the weekend, with objects being thrown and police charges starting on Saturday. The toll, still provisional, of 20 injured among the demonstrators and 70 among the forces of order.

January 16, 2023 (change January 16, 2023 | 02:35 am)

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