“Groped by a famous actor during an audition. Everyone saw, but no one said anything »- time.news

by time news
from Simona Marchetti

The 45-year-old actress, who plays Eve Moneypenny in the latest 007 film, “No Time to Die”, recounted the harassment she suffered on the set, without however revealing the name of her colleague, merely explaining that she was a Hollywood star and that for this the casting director and the director did nothing

Naomie Harris was also harassed on a film set. It has only happened once, but what left Eve Moneypenny from 007’s latest film, “No Time to Die” bewildered, was the lack of reaction from those present, who witnessed the scene without lifting a finger, thanks to the fact that the star of the incident was a Hollywood star of the first magnitude. “During an audition for a part, a very famous star reached out to my skirt – said the 45-year-old actress during an interview for the Mail on Sunday insert” You “-. But what was really shocking was that the casting director and the director were there and obviously none of them said anything, because he was – and still is – a very famous star. ”

He didn’t mention the name

Harris, who also appeared in “Skyfall” and “Specter”, did not want to mention the name of the colleague who arbitrarily groped her – that is, not for script purposes – nor did she want to add details about the film in question, which could facilitate their identification. “That was my only #MeToo-style episode, so I can feel very lucky, considering how widespread that behavior was,” continued the actress, underlining however how things are fortunately changing within the film industry and she was a direct witness. “I was in a project in which a #MeToo accident occurred and there was no hesitation: the author was immediately replaced”, concluded Harris who, even in this case, did not want to say what actor it was.

December 13, 2021 (change December 13, 2021 | 16:16)

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