ground floor. Isidore Ndaywel, Kagame and the preservation of the archives of the history of Rwanda and the DRC – Congo Indépendant

by time news

2023-05-08 22:04:52

(Journalist Kibel’Bel Oka drinks from the source of the living monument, professor emeritus and historian Isidore Ndaywel. Photo Les Coulisses 2023).

Cotonou (Benin). The President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame spoke about the expansionist tendencies of his regime, arguing that part of Rwanda (Kivu) had been ceded to the Congo and that the presence of its army in Rutshuru and Masisi has been justified for years by its concern to recover the part of Rwandan territory given to the DRC by the colonizers. We observed the culpable silence and indifference of Germany and Belgium, two countries that have (re) drawn the colonial borders demanded by Pasteur Bizimungu and Paul Kagame. Cutting short this desire to rewrite history in their own way by the Rwandan authorities, Professor Isidore Ndaywel, in a masterful presentation, silenced everyone. In effectIsidore Ndaywel demonstrated that in reality, it is the DRC that has the right to claim land in Rwanda because it had granted it. This controversy created expressly by Paul Kagame reveals the real objectives of the destabilization of our country, starting from the wars fought in the DRC on the fallacious pretext of the nationality of the Tutsi minority. This, with the blessing of those who use Kigali to achieve their goal: balkanize the DRC to better enjoy its natural resources in its eastern part. Either !

Another event (and not the least) seems to go unnoticed in the eyes of the Congolese: the introduction into the teaching program for young French children of the history of the rwandan genocide revised and alienated version. On the ground floor side, radio silence. Now is the right time to revisit Professor Isidore Ndaywel in order to study how to review the school program and the textbooks of the history of the Congo to be taught to young Congolese. The young Congolese has the obligation to know by the texts the past and recent history of his country. Take advantage of the living monument that is Isidore Ndaywel who has the double advantage, in addition to still living, of having taught and of having written “The General History of the Congo. From ancient heritage to the Democratic Republic of Congo » prefaced by Théophile Obenga and postfaced by Pierre Salmon and another book “New History of the Congo. From origins to the Democratic Republic of Congo » prefaced by Elikia Mbokolo with a foreword by Guido Gryseels and recently a comic strip on the said story. Become familiar with archives. Flying verb, manent scripta. In the eastern part of our country, the vocation to erase true history is proven.

Hold ! In full occupation of the eastern part of the country by the Rwandan and Ugandan armies, a mysterious fire burned the archives of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Bukavu (the capital of former Kivu). In 1997, the archives of the mining town and territory of Watsa were burned, as were those of the Kabondo peace court in Kisangani and those of the territory of Mambasa. In 2001, the archives of the territory of Beni burned down. Accident of history or deliberate desire to erase everything? We attend to the murderer of our history starting from our existence as a State and a nation. Since the RCD war (1998), the newspaper Les Coulisses constitutes a living library on the basis of which one can reconstitute since 1998 the tragic history of the Congolese people in its eastern part with national and foreign actors. This also explains this policy of encouraging the creation of radio and television to the detriment of writing. The preservation of the archives of the DRC is constitutional (Law N°78/013 of July 11, 1978 on the special regime for the protection of archival documents). The same is true of the Congolese electoral register.

On May 3, International Press Freedom Day, journalist Nicaise Kibel’Bel Oka received a phone call from a former Deputy Prime Minister of the Interior of the DRC and currently a national deputy who told him : “Mr. Kibel’Bel Oka, journalist, ask Minister Patrick Muyaya, whose work I appreciate, this question: What is he waiting for to decorate you? I read your posts regularly. It is a mine for our country. He must think of decorating certain big names in the national press. » Indeed, the newspaper Les Coulisses is among the few in the DRC to have so much carefully documented information on the tragic history of the eastern part of the DRC. Unfortunately, it tends to disappear.

The writings that trace the tragic history of our country must be preserved. They constitute the evidence that will one day allow justice to pass to establish the responsibilities of each other and allow the victims to know the truth. For that it is necessary proofs. However, the evidence is largely based on the archives. The patiently collected archives of the oppressed, the archives of terror, the archives of pain. It is for lack of questioning the archives that Kigali recycles its pawns in the institutions of our country. It is for lack of archives that the same people who massacred during the AFDL redid the job in the RCD (all versions combined), in the CNDP, in the M 23 in 2012 and today in the M 23 renovated. As in Ituri. Archives also play an essential preventive role.

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Mathias Ikem



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