Group program helps Jacquelien stop smoking: ‘The biggest compliment is mom, you smell good again’

by time news

Jacquelien Groen (50) is diabetic, has a congenital cholesterol problem (FH) and is overweight. The CVRM (Cardio Vascular Risk Management) outpatient clinic is part of the Salland Cardiovascular Center and helps patients with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease to change their lifestyle. Jacquelien also visits every year and was referred to the Stop smoking program on the advice of the nurse.

Nurse specialist from the CVRM outpatient clinic, Annemiek Spliethof, had often asked Jacquelien whether participating in the Quit Smoking program was something for her. “I used to hold off on the boat, but last year I said yes,” says Jacquelien.

Hearing from your child that you smell like smoke

“Of course I know that smoking is unhealthy and at home my 16-year-old son regularly reminded me that I smelled of cigarette smoke. But I always managed to justify my smoking. It’s not good, but you’re always looking for ways out. Physically, the bad influence of smoking has never been demonstrated in me. Then you soon think: see you. It’s not that bad. Still, you don’t want to hear from your child that you smell like smoke. That was the deciding factor for me to participate in the Quit Smoking programme.”

Fear makes quitting difficult

Smoking is a strange habit and a serious addiction. Jacquelien: “My biggest fear has always been not having cigarettes within reach. I was constantly counting my stock. And it was very reassuring if this was enough until the shopping moment the next day. If I wasn’t sleeping well, I’d just go outside at night to smoke a cigarette. I stood there chilling in my nightgown. Or if I’d ironed the laundry, for example, I’d take a cigarette. I thought I deserved it. You give yourself these rewards about twenty times a day. Smoking defines your whole life.”


Patients who smoke can be guided to quit smoking at both the general practice (including the practice nurse) and SineFuma. At SineFuma this can be done both in a group and individually. Both with and without nicotine replacement products as patches. In principle, the guidance is covered by health insurance. Ask your general practitioner or treating medical specialist about the options.

Stimulate each other

The Deventer Hospital registered Jacqueline for the SineFuma Quit Smoking group program. “We started seven weekly meetings with like-minded people in the autumn. In addition, the program has an accompanying app that informs you about what you save. There is also a digital coach who will give you a stimulating address from time to time. Together you work towards the moment of definitive stopping.”

You have to come to the realization that you want to stop, otherwise it won’t work

“You discuss each other’s difficulties and possibilities. We also have a Whatsapp group to help you through difficult moments. And we still keep encouraging each other. We are all in the same boat and we understand each other. The chairman was an ex-smoker and he knew exactly what you feel and go through. That is important, but you have to come to the realization that you want to stop, otherwise it won’t work”, Jacquelien’s experience.

Rest, fitter and financial advantage

Jacqueline: “I quickly saw results. In the first session was someone who couldn’t speak a word without coughing. After a few meetings, the voice sounded better, breathing was less heavy and this person just felt fitter. I myself have also experienced that quitting smoking really does something to you. It touched me especially when my son said that I smelled good again. That’s what you do it for!”

“During a nice dinner I stood outside puffing after the starter. When I stopped, my son said he liked that I just stayed at the table.” Fortunately, the switch is now for Jacquelien. “That gives a lot of peace of mind and a considerable financial advantage. Every week we save a nice amount. That’s why we eat out more often now!”

Want to know more about Quitting Smoking? Go to or call 076 88 951 95.

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