Growing Support for Expanding Rep. Patrick McHenry’s Powers Amidst Speaker Controversy

by time news

Title: Support Grows to Empower Rep. Patrick McHenry amid Speaker Standoff

Date: [current date]

In a bid to break the deadlock following Jordan’s failed bid for the speakership, support is mounting behind a proposal to grant expanded powers to Rep. Patrick McHenry, who has been serving as the temporary speaker. As uncertainty looms over McHenry’s authority, Republican lawmakers, including two former speakers, are rallying for the House to act swiftly in bolstering his position.

Appointed as speaker pro tempore by former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, McHenry’s authority has been ambiguous due to the unprecedented circumstances surrounding McCarthy’s removal. Since assuming the role, the North Carolina Republican has primarily overseen the House’s session commencement and the election of a new speaker. However, he did make headlines for ordering former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former Majority Leader Steny Hoyer to vacate offices in the Capitol.

With the House at a standstill, Republican lawmakers are now advocating for an expansion of McHenry’s power. In a statement, Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania underscored that electing McHenry as Speaker Pro Tempore would enable crucial votes to ensure the government’s funding beyond the current fiscal year. Kelly introduced a resolution proposing the election of McHenry as speaker pro tempore until November 17 or until a new speaker is elected, depending on which occurs first. This move, according to Kelly, will grant McHenry the authority to advance legislation to the floor.

Former Speakers Newt Gingrich and John Boehner have also lent their support to the House’s efforts to expand McHenry’s powers, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. Their endorsements have garnered attention and added weight to the push for McHenry’s empowerment.

The call to grant McHenry additional authority has even resonated across the aisle. Rep. Carlos Gimenez, a Florida Republican who opposes Jordan and refuses to support the conservative candidate, took to social media to express his support for strengthening McHenry’s position. Likewise, Rep. Dave Joyce of Ohio responded to a social media post by Boehner, stating, “Funny you mention it…” These public endorsements from prominent Republicans indicate a broader desire to resolve the speaker standoff by bolstering McHenry’s role.

It is worth noting that any move to empower McHenry would require support from House Democrats. Some Democratic lawmakers have expressed their preference for a vote that would expand McHenry’s authority, enabling the consideration of a limited legislative agenda. Four Democratic members of the Problem Solvers Caucus have signed a letter urging an immediate vote, and the proposal has received the endorsement of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of centrist Democrats.

In conclusion, as the tension continues surrounding the speakership, mounting support to empower Rep. Patrick McHenry serves as a potential breakthrough in the standoff. With backing from influential Republicans and growing acceptance from House Democrats, the hope is that an expanded role for McHenry will not only break the impasse but also provide an avenue for productive legislative action.

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